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PhD in Communication and Education in Virtual Environments

Contemporary society, characterized by constant changes, faces new challenges. Given the complexity of these changes in the current social situation, there is an unavoidable demand for new thinking schemes that favor the interpretation and search for the best solutions, articulating innovative actions and modes of action, as challenges in increasing the generation of knowledge for decision making. And it is, in this context, considered a priority, the training of researchers, capable and committed in the generation of innovative knowledge, who can offer the most successful solutions to all this diverse problems presented by national, regional and international society.

The Doctorate in Communication and Education in Virtual Environments aims to contribute to the training of high-level professionals, capable, competent, with a reflective and critical attitude, and provided with precise tools in order to give comprehensive answers to specific problems that are currently emerging both in the area of ​​communication and education. Thus promoting the development of scientific research within the framework of virtual environments, which is relevant to national and institutional strategic objectives.

It is considered of transcendental importance to apply new pedagogical conceptions that collect the best of the tradition and go beyond the practices that are still anchored in the educational conceptions of past centuries. In a networked world, in which the technologies of the XNUMXst century have already established themselves, all the willows are in place for this work to reap the fruits of more than three decades of continuous and coherent research.

  • Introduction

    Contemporary society, characterized by constant changes, faces new challenges. Given the complexity of these changes in the current social situation, there is an unavoidable demand for new thinking schemes that favor the interpretation and search for the best solutions, articulating innovative actions and modes of action, as challenges in increasing the generation of knowledge for decision making. And it is, in this context, considered a priority, the training of researchers, capable and committed in the generation of innovative knowledge, who can offer the most successful solutions to all this diverse problems presented by national, regional and international society.

    The Doctorate in Communication and Education in Virtual Environments aims to contribute to the training of high-level professionals, capable, competent, with a reflective and critical attitude, and provided with precise tools in order to give comprehensive answers to specific problems that are currently emerging both in the area of ​​communication and education. Thus promoting the development of scientific research within the framework of virtual environments, which is relevant to national and institutional strategic objectives.

    It is considered of transcendental importance to apply new pedagogical conceptions that collect the best of the tradition and go beyond the practices that are still anchored in the educational conceptions of past centuries. In a networked world, in which the technologies of the XNUMXst century have already established themselves, all the willows are in place for this work to reap the fruits of more than three decades of continuous and coherent research.

  • Objectives

    To train researchers in the areas of communication and education at the highest level in the interpretation, analysis and resolution of problems of these disciplines in virtual environments, capable of developing and implementing specialized knowledge as agents of transformation of reality objective, both nationally, regionally and internationally.

    Specific objectives

    1. Develop specific investigative competences in the areas of communication and education, with an inter, multi and transdisciplinary approach, making theoretical and practical contributions that allow real solutions to the multiple problems of various kinds generated by the high social dependence of ICTs.
    2. Carry out research that contributes to the production of knowledge in the field of virtual communication and education, of a scientific, technological and ethical nature, in order to generate solutions to various problems that arise in a society dominated by the use of ICTs and highly conditioned by their dependence, both in educational and communication processes.
    3. Strengthen the understanding of the importance of virtuality in the various processes in both communicative and educational spheres, where the formation of the values ​​of peace, social justice, solidarity, social responsibility, excellence, equity and democracy are absolutely necessary for the exercise of leadership.
    4. Contribute to the significant increase in research activities, generation and publication of knowledge for solving problems, through INTEC research lines, towards the understanding of relevant dynamics related to virtual environments and the great importance they have achieved ICTs in recent years.
  • Admission profile

    It is aimed at journalism professionals, audiovisual communicators, pedagogy, social educators and professionals from other national and foreign social sciences with a master's degree and with interests and motivations in the field of research towards Communication and Education in Virtual Environments.

    The professional experience of the candidates, their attitudes and disposition to carry out scientific research aimed at the transformation and improvement of a contextualized problem related to Educommunication are valued.

  • Graduate Profile

    The graduate of the Doctorate in Communication and Education in Virtual Environments is capable of proposing innovative alternatives for solving the problems of society by applying the knowledge of his discipline in order to contribute to national and international development, develop research focused on social needs using the rigorous method in order to generate and / or transfer knowledge to the scientific community and society and carry out systematic analyzes of reality, identifying relationships of priority, hierarchy, cause-effect in order to make decisions that respond to ethical principles and social responsibility .

  • Career Opportunities

    1. Autonomous scientific researchers.
    2. Teachers and / or researchers in educational institutions of higher national and international level.
    3. Officials from the public, private sector or national and international organizations managing virtuality for the instructional design, implementation and evaluation of virtual modules.
    4. Consultants.
  • Program structure

    The curricular design of the program is modular, it is subject to two periods: the first of teaching, with a minimum duration of one year or four quarters, which has a total of 24 credits. The second, called research, has a minimum duration of two years or eight quarters and has a total of 46 credits.

    Once the research period has begun, the applicant will have a minimum term of two (2) years and a maximum of four (4) years to defend their doctoral thesis.

    For each applicant, an activity plan will be developed that will culminate in obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Communication and Education in Virtual Environments within the established term.

    This doctoral program comprises three modules, which are described below. It is offered in a period of 12 quarters, with an academic load of 70 credits, distributed in 18 subjects.

    Research lines

    Doctoral lines Research groups Research lines
    Digital Education Communication and Education in Virtual Environments (UNED). Digital educational environments: Diversity and trends towards integration.
        Social networks, digital platforms and applications as new educational tools in the virtual environment.
        Education and gender in virtual environments.
    Digital Communication Communication and Education in Virtual Environments Novos Medios XESCOM Digital communication and new emerging media.
        ICTs and media in virtual environments.
        Digital communication and gender on the web: Reality, trends and new perspectives.
  • Title to obtain

    Doctor in Communication and Education in Virtual Environments

Promotional document

Study plan


May 2022


14 quarters


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+ Educational credit options
icons_profile-man-9a81f10e Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - PhD in Communication and Education in Virtual Environments

Dr. Santiago Gallur

icons_profile-man-9a81f10e Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - PhD in Communication and Education in Virtual Environments

Dr. Irene de los Angeles Machado Cruz

Level Coordinator