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PhD in Social Sciences

Contemporary society, characterized by constant changes, faces new challenges. Given the complexity of these changes in the current educational situation, there is an unavoidable demand for new thinking schemes that favor the interpretation and search for the best solutions, articulating innovative actions and modes of action, as challenges in increasing the generation of knowledge for decision making. And it is, in this context, considered a priority, the training of researchers, capable and committed in the generation of innovative knowledge, who can offer the most successful solutions to all this diverse problems presented by national, regional and international society.

The Doctorate in Social Sciences contributes to the training of high-level professionals, capable, competent, with a reflective and critical attitude, and provided with precise tools in order to give answers to the problems of this complex, dynamic and contextualized reality, creatively transforming it. Thus promoting the development of scientific research within the framework of the progressive search for knowledge in the socio-humanistic field, all of which is relevant to national and institutional strategic objectives.

  • Introduction

    Contemporary society, characterized by constant changes, faces new challenges. Given the complexity of these changes in the current educational situation, there is an unavoidable demand for new thinking schemes that favor the interpretation and search for the best solutions, articulating innovative actions and modes of action, as challenges in increasing the generation of knowledge for decision making. And it is, in this context, considered a priority, the training of researchers, capable and committed in the generation of innovative knowledge, who can offer the most successful solutions to all this diverse problems presented by national, regional and international society.

    The Doctorate in Social Sciences contributes to the training of high-level professionals, capable, competent, with a reflective and critical attitude, and provided with precise tools in order to give answers to the problems of this complex, dynamic and contextualized reality, creatively transforming it. Thus promoting the development of scientific research within the framework of the progressive search for knowledge in the socio-humanistic field, all of which is relevant to national and institutional strategic objectives.

  • Objectives

    To train researchers of the highest level in the interpretation, analysis and resolution of contemporary problems, capable of developing and implementing specialized knowledge as agents of transformation of objective reality, both nationally and internationally.

    Specific objectives

    • Carry out research that contributes to the production of knowledge in the field of social sciences, of a scientific, technological and ethical nature, in order to generate solutions to various problems that arise in an increasingly complex society.
    • Develop investigative competences with an inter, multi and transdisciplinary approach, making theoretical and practical contributions that allow understanding and transforming the contextualized objective reality.
    • Strengthen the values ​​of peace, social justice, solidarity, social responsibility, excellence, equity and democracy for the improvement and exercise of leadership.
    • Contribute to the significant increase in research activities, generation and publication of knowledge linked to the lines of research of INTEC and specifically the Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities, for the solution of complex problems in the country in an innovative way.
  • Admission profile

    The program is aimed at professionals with interests and motivations in the field of research in Social Sciences. In this sense, the participant agrees to start their research on a topic related to any of the Ph.D. research lines offered: Gender Studies, RD and Caribbean Anthropological Studies, and Communication.

  • Graduate Profile

    The professional graduated from the Doctorate in Social Sciences is capable of developing research projects with leadership that lead to the achievement of transformations and innovations in specific contexts and in their professional training. They demonstrate a democratic and participatory sense in their daily actions, with high social responsibility and openness to changes, impacting and improving the quality of processes at a theoretical, practical and methodological level.

  • Career Opportunities

    Graduates of the Doctorate in Social Sciences have a high level of training and skills to carry out research that allows them to describe, analyze, interpret and solve problems inherent to their professional field. He will be able to work as a university professor at the highest level, he will be able to participate as a consultant in matters of academic and cultural planning, and to act as an advisor to governmental and international organizations that deal with planning and human development.

    In this sense, they can exercise, among other functions, such as:

    • Autonomous scientific researchers; proposing, preparing, directing and carrying out applicable projects that can be published in portals and scientific journals of recognized international prestige.
    • Teachers and / or researchers in Higher Education Institutions at a national or international level.
    • Consultants; providing advice in the area of ​​social sciences, nationally, regionally or internationally.
    • Officials from the public and private sector or from national and international organizations in the area of ​​social sciences.
  • Program structure

    The doctoral program is subject to two periods:

    1. Teaching period: with a minimum duration of one year or four quarters, which has a total of 27 credits.
    2. Research period: has a minimum duration of two years or eight quarters and has a total of 47 credits. Once the research period has started, the applicant will have a minimum term of two (2) years and a maximum of four (4) years to defend their doctoral thesis.

    The curricular design of the program is modular, in correspondence with the INTEC Curricular Guidelines. The modular structure allows the integration of the contents and the necessary practices to achieve the purposes and mastery of the knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as the development of the competences of the graduate profile of the program.

    • Module 1. Research for social transformation: develop in the doctoral students attitudes and capacities for decision-making based on their own benefit and that of others, by acquiring the necessary tools to carry out social change in a responsible and fair way.
    • Module 2. Scientific Knowledge Management: it is aimed at fostering in PhD students the needs related to the continuous creation and transfer of scientific knowledge, based on the contribution of skills that they need to implement the actions that are required in a correct knowledge management and in the preparation of scientific studies.
    • Module 3. Applied Dissertation: focuses on providing participants with the skills that allow them to present their ideas, interests and knowledge acquired in practice, through the development of a document with scientific bases.

    Research lines

    The Doctorate in Social Sciences is a generic program that is not registered in a single disciplinary field, it has 3 doctoral lines, each with groups and lines of research, as well as a first-rate teaching staff.

    Gender Studies

    This doctoral line will allow conducting research with a solid inter and transdisciplinary base; reflection, analysis and research that enables the integration of different gender research methodologies and deriving new fields of research, where subjectivities and identities are investigated, and new approaches are proposed for the study of sexualities, from the perspective of the diversity.

    Investigation groups:

    • Generating Equality Policies
    • Gender, literature and discourse

    Lines of investigation:

    • Gender, migration and trafficking in women
    • Genre and Literature
    • Gender and health
    • Epistemologies of the Caribbean and Dominican feminism
    • Construction of identities, power and gender
    • Psychology and gender
    • Sexuality, gender, classes and ethnic-racial groups
    • Psychosocial aspects of work
  • Title to obtain

    Doctor in Social Sciences

Study plan


May 2022


14 quarters


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icons_profile-man-9a81f10e Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - PhD in Social Sciences

Dr. Santiago Gallur

icons_profile-man-9a81f10e Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - PhD in Social Sciences

Dr. Irene de los Angeles Machado Cruz

Level Coordinator