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- Master of Science in Public Health and Epidemiology
Master of Science in Public Health and Epidemiology
Epidemiology is a key discipline of medical research and of public health practice and evaluation. Its methods are used to describe the nature of health problems, investigate the causes, and evaluate the impact of interventions to treat and prevent disease. The Master of Science in Public Health and Epidemiology is aimed at professionals who wish to work in an applied public health environment or a research career to obtain a PhD.
The master's degree provides students with broad research knowledge and skill in various aspects of public health and epidemiology, such as behavioral science, social studies, health service administration, environmental science, epidemiology, and biostatistics. This master's degree will allow students to (i) understand the distribution of the main determinants of health in the relevant populations for the candidate's anticipated professional course, (ii) contribute effectively to the management of health services., (Iii) Analyze risks and devise strategies for a healthier environment, a safer workplace, and fewer injuries, and (iv) Identify ways in which changes in behavior and social structures can affect the health of populations.
Epidemiology is a key discipline of medical research and of public health practice and evaluation. Its methods are used to describe the nature of health problems, investigate the causes, and evaluate the impact of interventions to treat and prevent disease. The Master of Science in Public Health and Epidemiology is aimed at professionals who wish to work in an applied public health environment or a research career to obtain a PhD.
The master's degree provides students with broad research knowledge and skill in various aspects of public health and epidemiology, such as behavioral science, social studies, health service administration, environmental science, epidemiology, and biostatistics. This master's degree will allow students to (i) understand the distribution of the main determinants of health in the relevant populations for the candidate's anticipated professional course, (ii) contribute effectively to the management of health services., (Iii) Analyze risks and devise strategies for a healthier environment, a safer workplace, and fewer injuries, and (iv) Identify ways in which changes in behavior and social structures can affect the health of populations.
The Master of Science in Public Health and Epidemiology has as its main objective to provide students with a solid training in epidemiological methods to have a critical understanding and skills on the health-disease process and its determinants in the population through interventions that allow preserving and improve the health, well-being, and life expectancy of human populations by integrating practical skills and data research analysis to advance public health.
Admission profile
Professionals from all areas of knowledge (health, economics, basic sciences, engineering, humanities, etc.) with an interest in receiving specialized training in public health and epidemiology.
Graduate Profile
Upon graduation from the master's degree, in addition to being able to opt for a doctoral program, you will be able to work in job positions as an epidemiologist, a health data analyst, a health manager or director, a biomedical researcher , analyst and consultant in public health, among others.
- Applies epidemiological methods to the variety of settings and situations in public health practice, to prioritize needs, problems and decision-making in health.
- Carry out a diagnosis and analysis of the population health situation with a focus on social determinants and inequalities.
- Designs, applies and evaluates interventions (policies, programs, services, etc.) to improve the health status of the population.
- Performs public health surveillance to coordinate prevention activities, research control of risk situations for public health (outbreaks, diseases, accidents, environment, behaviors, etc.)
- Demonstrates practical skills to develop and answer a research question with an appropriate epidemiological study to answer the question, collect relevant data, analyze this data using available statistical software, and interpret findings related to the literature and community / organizational context.
- Prepare manuscripts for publication with peer review and communicate public health information to different audiences
- Master the principles of public health for professional practice and be able to critically evaluate and interpret the scientific literature and discuss the effectiveness of public health interventions.
Study plan
The program is flexible and adapts to the professional needs of the student, therefore, it is offered simultaneously in three modalities: face-to-face, blended and virtual modality.
- 71 credits
- 8 terms: 29 subjects (25 of the master's degree and 4 electives)
- A practical public health internship
- A Final Project / Capstone
Master's electives:
- Infectious Diseases and Global Health
- Dynamic Models in Public Health
- Disaster Management and Emergency Planning
- Research Ethics
Academic coordination and teaching staff
- Teachers: Nationals and foreigners (United States and Spain) with broad domain and work experience in their respective subject.
- Mentoring program: Parallel to the classes, the participant will receive guidance and technical support from an experienced tutor to guide the teaching and learning process and guarantee the integration of practices (learning by doing).
- Public health internship: The participant applies the competencies and skills acquired through the program to a public health problem relevant to professional goals and interests in a practical rotation that can be developed in the Dominican Republic or abroad.
- Capstone Project: The program culminates with a thesis project where the student applies the competencies and skills acquired through the program to a public health problem relevant to their own professional goals and interests.
The interested party must:
- Hold a university degree with a minimum of 2.0 / 4.00 or 70 / 100
- Complete the admission form admisiones.intec.edu.do
- Interview with the program coordinator
Dominican graduated from a Dominican university
Dominican graduated from a Dominican university
- Admission request
- Photocopy of the identity card of both sides.
- Certification and copy of university degree legalized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology MESCyT.
- Certification and record of original university notes legalized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology MESCyT.
- Medical certificate for academic purposes (with the name as it is on the identity card)
- Two front photos 2x2.
- Receipt of Payment of the right to admission (non-refundable)
- Original birth certificate, certified and legalized.
- An academic recommendation letter issued by the university of origin or a job recommendation letter, in both cases must be on a sheet stamped and stamped by the issuing institution (only applicable for research-oriented master's degrees).
- Essay with motivations to enter the program, minimum 1 page (only applies for research-oriented masters).
- PAEP test payment (exonerated presenting the original Master's degree)
- PAEP test registration
- Interview with the coordination of the program to which it applies
Dominican graduated from a foreign university
Dominican graduated from a foreign university
- Admission request
- Photocopy of the identity card of both sides.
- Photocopy university degree apostilled / legalized Dominican Consulate and Chancery in the Dominican Republic and legalized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology MESCyT. See "Important Notes" at the bottom of the page
- Record of original university notes apostilled / legalized Dominican Consulate and Chancellery in the Dominican Republic and legalized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology MESCyT. See "Important Notes" at the bottom of the page
- Medical certificate for academic purposes (with the name as it is on the identity card)
- Two front photos 2x2.
- Receipt of Payment of the right to admission (non-refundable)
- Original birth certificate, certified and legalized.
- An academic recommendation letter issued by the university of origin or a job recommendation letter, in both cases must be on a sheet stamped and stamped by the issuing institution (only applicable for research-oriented master's degrees).
- Essay with motivations to enter the program, minimum 1 page (only applies for research-oriented masters).
- PAEP test payment (exonerated presenting the original Master's degree)
- PAEP test registration
- Interview with the coordination of the program to which it applies
Important notes
- Documents that are not in Spanish must be translated.Legalizations
- Member countries of the Hague Convention: If the country of emission belongs to the Hague Convention, it must make the apostille of the documents and their translations into Spanish in the competent institution of that country.
- Countries that do NOT belong to the Hague Convention: If the country of issue is NOT within the Hague Convention, you must legalize the documents and their Spanish translations at the Dominican Consulate / Embassy of the country where they were issued and then by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Dominican Republic.
- If the translation is done in the Dominican Republic, it must be done by a judicial interpreter and legalized in the Attorney General Office of the Dominican Republic.
INTEC graduate
INTEC graduate
- Photocopy of the identity card of both sides.
- Photocopy of the university degree.
- Medical certificate for academic purposes (with the name as it is on the identity card)
- Receipt of Payment of the right to admission (non-refundable)
- Two front photos 2x2.
- PAEP test payment (exonerated presenting the original Master's degree)
- PAEP test registration
- Interview with the coordination of the program to which it applies
Foreigner graduated from a foreign university
Foreigner graduated from a foreign university
- Admission request
- Photocopy passport.
- Photocopy university degree apostilled / legalized Dominican Consulate and Chancery in the Dominican Republic and legalized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology MESCyT. See "Important Notes" at the bottom of the page
- Record of original university notes apostilled / legalized Dominican Consulate and Chancellery in the Dominican Republic and legalized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology MESCyT. See "Important Notes" at the bottom of the page
- Medical certificate for academic purposes (with the name as it is on the identity card)
- Two front photos 2x2.
- Receipt of Payment of the right to admission (non-refundable)
- Original birth certificate apostilled / legalized Dominican Consulate and Chancellery in the Dominican Republic See "Important Notes" at the bottom of the page
- An academic recommendation letter issued by the university of origin or a job recommendation letter, in both cases must be on a sheet stamped and stamped by the issuing institution (only applicable for research-oriented master's degrees).
- Essay with motivations to enter the program, minimum 1 page (only applies for research-oriented masters).
- PAEP test payment (exonerated presenting the original Master's degree)
- PAEP test registration
- Interview with the coordination of the program to which it applies
Important notes
- Documents that are not in Spanish must be translated.Legalizations
- Member countries of the Hague Convention: If the country of emission belongs to the Hague Convention, it must make the apostille of the documents and their translations into Spanish in the competent institution of that country.
- Countries that do NOT belong to the Hague Convention: If the country of issue is NOT within the Hague Convention, you must legalize the documents and their Spanish translations at the Dominican Consulate / Embassy of the country where they were issued and then by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Dominican Republic.
- If the translation is done in the Dominican Republic, it must be done by a judicial interpreter and legalized in the Attorney General Office of the Dominican Republic.
To apply for the tariff in Dominican pesos:
- You can send a proof of residence issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MIREX) and that it shows that it is valid for 4 years or more.
- Foreigners with Dominican parents, must deliver the original birth certificate of any of them.
Foreigner graduated from a Dominican university
Foreigner graduated from a Dominican university
- Admission request
- Photocopy passport.
- Certification and copy of university degree legalized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology MESCyT.
- Certification and record of original university notes legalized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology MESCyT.
- Medical certificate for academic purposes (with the name as it is on the identity card)
- Two front photos 2x2.
- Receipt of Payment of the right to admission (non-refundable)
- Original birth certificate apostilled / legalized Dominican Consulate and Chancellery in the Dominican Republic. See "Important Notes" at the bottom of the page
- An academic recommendation letter issued by the university of origin or a job recommendation letter, in both cases must be on a sheet stamped and stamped by the issuing institution (only applicable for research-oriented master's degrees).
- Essay with motivations to enter the program, minimum 1 page (only applies for research-oriented masters).
- PAEP test payment (exonerated presenting the original Master's degree)
- PAEP test registration
- Interview with the coordination of the program to which it applies
Important notes
- Documents that are not in Spanish must be translated.Legalizations
- Member countries of the Hague Convention: If the country of emission belongs to the Hague Convention, it must make the apostille of the documents and their translations into Spanish in the competent institution of that country.
- Countries that do NOT belong to the Hague Convention: If the country of issue is NOT within the Hague Convention, you must legalize the documents and their Spanish translations at the Dominican Consulate / Embassy of the country where they were issued and then by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Dominican Republic.
- If the translation is done in the Dominican Republic, it must be done by a judicial interpreter and legalized in the Attorney General Office of the Dominican Republic.
To apply for the tariff in Dominican pesos:
- You can send a proof of residence issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MIREX) and that it shows that it is valid for 4 years or more.
- Foreigners with Dominican parents, must deliver the original birth certificate of any of them.
Title to obtain
Master in Public Health Sciences-Epidemiology
Promotional document
Study plan
+ Educational credit options

Eugenio Tercio Gomez Santana, Ms.