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Industrial engineer


You will be a professional oriented to the design, improvement, installation and implementation of integrated systems for people, equipment, materials, information, and energy. The career is based on specialized knowledge in mathematical, physical and chemical sciences, as well as the use of engineering analysis methods, design, modeling and simulation, along with management and innovation principles.


You will be a professional oriented to the design, improvement, installation and implementation of integrated systems for people, equipment, materials, information, and energy. The career is based on specialized knowledge in mathematical, physical and chemical sciences, as well as the use of engineering analysis methods, design, modeling and simulation, along with management and innovation principles.

ABET Accreditation

  • ABET EAC International Accreditation

    In 2024, the Industrial Engineering program received international accreditation from the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of the ABET agency, the most prestigious in the world and which accredits engineering programs from the best universities in the world such as Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Duke, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia), among others.

    INTEC is the first and only Dominican university to obtain an accreditation from ABET's EAC. Of the thousands of universities that teach engineering courses in Latin America and the Caribbean, only 47 have received international accreditation from this prestigious agency.

  • Why is accreditation important?

    The accreditation from the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of the ABET agency represents an external and independent validation of the quality of INTEC's Industrial Engineering program and ensures that it meets rigorous international standards.

    ABET accreditation, a six-year process, examines program curricula, faculty, facilities, institutional support, and institutional capabilities to continually improve programs.

  • How does it benefit students and graduates?

    Graduates of ABET-accredited courses study under the quality standards of the best universities around the world and, because they are internationally recognized, they have greater opportunities to compete in the global job market and continue their education at prestigious international universities.

    Additionally, accreditation brings multiple advantages:

    • Ensures continuous improvement processes at the university.
    • It contributes to maintaining the quality of student education.
    • Promotes standardization processes in training.
    • It is an international requirement for a large number of countries.
    • It offers employers the security of hiring highly qualified professionals.
    • Provides the university with a structured mechanism to evaluate and improve the quality of its programs.
    Learn more here

Why this career?

This career gives you the opportunity to hold key positions in companies in the industrial, logistics, commercial, financial or technological sectors, since every organization needs to optimize its processes. As a graduate you will be able to design, manage and lead processes; as well as create your own company, contributing to the generation of new jobs for the country. Your professional profile will allow you to achieve an analytical attitude focused on continuous improvement, adapt to complex environments and generate optimal solutions that are ethical.

This degree has international accreditation from the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of the ABET agency, the most prestigious in the world and which accredits the engineering programs of the best universities. 

Where can you start?

This career gives you the opportunity to hold key positions in companies in the industrial, logistics, commercial, financial or technological sectors, since every organization needs to optimize its processes. As a graduate you will be able to design, manage and lead processes; as well as create your own company, contributing to the generation of new jobs for the country. Your professional profile will allow you to achieve an analytical attitude focused on continuous improvement, adapt to complex environments and generate optimal solutions that are ethical.

What can you work on?

  • Design, control, evaluate and optimize production systems and manufacturing processes and services.
  • Formulate, manage and lead engineering projects and continuous improvement.
  • Integrate human, financial, technological and material resources to manage and optimize processes and systems.
  • Manage, design, evaluate and optimize supply chains and logistics.
  • Design and audit quality management systems and continuous improvement.
  • Plan production systems and inventories.
  • Model and simulate processes using specialized tools and software.
  • Locate and design layouts of facilities and industrial plants.

Educational objectives of the program (PEO's)

The Program Educational Objectives (PEO Spanish acronym) respond to constituent needs, national trends, and global changes. These are described below:

    • Be leaders in local and international organizations, exercising industrial engineering in a framework of integrity, excellence and social responsibility.
    • Generate integrated and sustainable solutions for the industry considering current affairs and the global context.
    • Achieve professional development and knowledge growth through international certifications, graduate studies, work experience and self-learning.

Students Outcomes (SO)

  1. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. Ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specific needs considering public health, safety and well-being, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors.
  3. Ability to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences.
  4. Ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make reliable judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and social contexts.
  5. Ability to work effectively as a member or leader of a team that sets goals, plans tasks, meets objectives, and creates a collaborative and inclusive environment.
  6. Ability to develop and perform appropriate experiments, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. Ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.


Curriculum 2016-2020


Enrolled students and degrees awarded

Type 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
enrolled students 112 102 101 83 67 42
Awarded Degrees 75 87 81 101 91 90

Title to obtain

Industrial Engineer


Promotional document

Study plan

abet-479979f1 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Industrial engineering

accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Industrial and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

icons_profile-man-b5c1a322 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Industrial engineering
Otto Herrera
Career coordinator
icons_profile-man-b5c1a322 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Industrial engineering
Contact of Marketing
Phone: (809) 567 9271
Ext. 500

Disclosure of Student Achievement

Advantages of studying at INTEC
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As a student of Industrial Engineering at INTEC, you will find a stimulating environment for learning, where you will have the resources, methodologies, software and laboratories to facilitate your understanding of the concepts and put your ideas and learning to the test. In addition, you will have the support and accompaniment of a faculty with specialized studies from various universities in the world, in the main areas of knowledge of the career, and with great experience of accumulated work in implementation of projects in national and international companies. The prestige of the Race locally and internationally guarantees high recognition and prestige in the market. INTEC industrial engineering graduates hold key positions in national and international companies and institutions, as well as being entrepreneurs by nature.

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Through the Institutional Mobility program, you can take specialized courses of your career during one or two quarters in universities with which we have agreements in 4 continents.