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International Business

He is an integral professional, capable of efficiently facing the challenges of business management in a globalized world, contributing to solve the problems of society through innovation, planning, organization, leadership and control. He has an entrepreneurial spirit, a vocation for service, a wide openness to transnational reality and a proactive attitude. He is a connoisseur of the national and international reality and of his environment; Therefore, it is capable of contributing from its workplace to the sustainable development of the country and the welfare of the integrated society to regional and global blocks.


He is an integral professional, capable of efficiently facing the challenges of business management in a globalized world, contributing to solve the problems of society through innovation, planning, organization, leadership and control. He has an entrepreneurial spirit, a vocation for service, a wide openness to transnational reality and a proactive attitude. He is a connoisseur of the national and international reality and of his environment; Therefore, it is capable of contributing from its workplace to the sustainable development of the country and the welfare of the integrated society to regional and global blocks.

Why this career?

This is one of the most demanded careers currently and with the greatest international projection, this is due to the great growth that companies have had globally, as well as the need that arises for them to be connected to each other. This career requires not only solutions both nationally and internationally, but also requires professionals who are passionate about the business world and who have a developed level of analysis that allows them to make strategic decisions for the benefit of their company or organization.

Where can you start?

The graduates of the Bachelor of International Business have the opportunity to develop in different organizations, both public and private, such as banks, embassies, customs offices, institutions dedicated to exports, imports or trade and companies in general where knowledge of this kind.

What can you work on?

  • Management and / or business administration
  • Management of foreign trade areas
  • Management of commercial and financial areas
  • Logistics Management
  • International business consulting
  • Design and execution of international business plans
  • Research of international markets.

Title to obtain

Graduate in International Business


Promotional document

Study plan

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icons_profile-man-b5c1a322 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - International Business
Carolyn Feliz, MS
Level coordinator
icons_profile-man-b5c1a322 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - International Business
Mariela Fermin
career coordinator
icons_profile-man-b5c1a322 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - International Business
Contact of Marketing
Phone: (809) 567 9271
Ext. 500
competencias-1c1fb531 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Negocios Internacionales
  • Includes business opportunities that occur in the foreign environment between public and private companies in different countries of the world.
  • Develops and implements marketing strategies, using and managing key concepts of global value chains in accordance with customs legislation and the requirements of the different trade agreements in the global environment.
  • Investigate, formulate, anticipate and understand changes in the national and international business environment, identifying opportunities.
  • Design and apply improvement projects for the optimization of goods and services offered in the international market with global strategic thinking.
  • It promotes quality and continuous improvement through the application of innovations and technology, with a focus on optimizing processes and increasing productivity.
Advantages of studying at INTEC
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International Business (NI) students of INTEC develop the ability to discover business opportunities in a world in which global production networks affect the fragmentation of the links in the value chain of goods and services, At the same time, the mobility of resources and investments in various political, legal and cultural environments is expanded. Our program combines a solid formation in the principles of the arts and the liberal sciences that base the field of academic study of (NI), with an orientation towards the development of competences and practical skills, by means of the study of real cases of cross-border negotiation in the global context.