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Doctor in medicine
The medical degree program at INTEC is designed to train professionals who promote health through prevention, therapy, and education, prioritizing the social understanding of the health-disease process and emphasizing the health of mothers and children. Physicians with knowledge of the country's social reality, possessing critical thinking skills, scientific quality, and humanistic values that enable them to serve others with responsibility and dedication.
It aims to educate physicians with ethical integrity and social commitment who contribute to the strengthening of underserved communities in the field of health. They will utilize biomedical technologies, informatics, telecommunications, telemedicine, and the internet to establish international connections in the production, application, and exchange of knowledge to enhance the quality of life for both the Dominican population and globally.
The career of Medicine proposes the training of general practitioners, with a great sense of professional, social and ethical responsibility. A professional knowledgeable about the habits and lifestyles required to maintain health and able to communicate them effectively. Aware of the socioeconomic causes and etiology of the diseases of children, adolescents and adults of both sexes, able to diagnose and treat pathologies in general and especially those of the Dominican reality.
Admission profile
Prospective medical students must demonstrate analytical skills, decision-making abilities, and sensitivity to crisis situations, as well as a willingness to work under pressure. They should exhibit a high level of knowledge in the areas of Natural Sciences, such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
Additionally, they possess relevant skills in oral and written communication in the Spanish language, with a high intermediate proficiency in English. They are characterized by their logical-mathematical reasoning abilities, as well as leadership, initiative, and entrepreneurial aptitudes. They are receptive and show openness to the constant changes that medicine presents today, in order to address future challenges. Moreover, they demonstrate appropriate scientific vocabulary and advanced knowledge in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
In addition to these characteristics, prospective medical students exhibit respect for life, as well as integrity, cooperation, the ability to work autonomously and in teams, and an interest in scientific research.
Graduate Profile
This professional masterfully understands key concepts for the detection and management of the main causes of death at the local and global levels, acquiring and demonstrating the ability to make decisions and consequently make timely referrals in major situations. Additionally, they can utilize scientific and technological tools, such as specialized health databases, updated diagnostic methods, and research strategies.
The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) educates medical professionals with sensitivity and sufficient knowledge for understanding, preventing, resolving, and managing health issues, both individually and collectively, in their physical, psychological, and social dimensions, enabling them to integrate into the Dominican and international work environment.
Why this career?
Medicine is one of the most integrative careers in the scientific field, allowing its actors to demonstrate the different skills and abilities acquired to develop solutions that are efficient to the current health system.
It pursues the training of professionals with a high level of skills for the detection and management of clinical manifestations and the diagnosis of diseases, based on skills and skills of action research, data search and analysis, and social action.
The medical degree program at INTEC is designed to train professionals who promote health through prevention, therapy, and education, prioritizing the social understanding of the health-disease process and emphasizing the health of mothers and children. Physicians with knowledge of the country's social reality, possessing critical thinking skills, scientific quality, and humanistic values that enable them to serve others with responsibility and dedication.
It aims to educate physicians with ethical integrity and social commitment who contribute to the strengthening of underserved communities in the field of health. They will utilize biomedical technologies, informatics, telecommunications, telemedicine, and the internet to establish international connections in the production, application, and exchange of knowledge to enhance the quality of life for both the Dominican population and globally.
Title to obtain
Promotional document
Study plan
promotional document in English
Study plan in English

Dr. Fernando Arturo Santamaría Medina

Dr. Fernando Arturo Santamaría Medina

Contact of Marketing
Ext. 500
Specialized Competencies
- Identify and internalize the key moments in the history of INTEC, its mission and vision, as well as the values that accompany its history to achieve greater identification with your institution, to express yourself with pride, and to develop guided by these in your university and professional life .
- Demonstrates and assumes a critical and sensitive attitude towards the natural and social environment, showing a humanistic behavior towards society, and preservation of natural resources, in order to become aware of and commit to respect individual diversity, and conservation of the environment ambient.
- Actively participates as a citizen in the local or international context, in society, as well as in different civic entities and non-profit organizations, evidencing the attitude and aptitude of an ethical professional, and committed to generating the transcendental changes demanded by society in which is inserted.
- Build your own communication skills in at least one foreign language other than your mother tongue, in order to expand your cultural knowledge and acquire the necessary foundations to use the technicalities of a second language in scientific research, professional exchanges, training and even in the full performance of their own medical practice.
- Performs bioethical analysis of conflicts in professional practice and offers pertinent recommendations according to the case and specific situations.
- It is kept updated through periodic training, specialization and research, integrating the habit of reviewing and studying scientific and academic publications with the vision of providing an effective and current health service.
- Perform effective measurements and estimates of various data in order to generate results through the application of multiple statistical methods and techniques applied to Health.
- Promptly and accurately refers patients who require specialized medical care to avoid the prolongation of extremely important cases. (the health condition)
- Shows and exercises his professional practice guided by the highest values and attitudes that contribute to the physical, social and mental well-being of the individual and the community.
Specific Specialized Competencies
- Demonstrates the ability to create their own learning spaces through independent and self-directed study to acquire the skills that guide them in their personal and professional endeavors.
- It manifests the relevant basic knowledge about the morphological constitution processes that give rise to organs, devices and systems, in order to understand their location, development and relationship with the different areas of medical knowledge.
- It identifies and analyzes the molecular interactions of the organism, as well as the mechanisms of regulation and adaptation to the environment, acquiring a comprehensive domain to achieve a pathophysiological understanding of the origin of the patient's manifestations, in order to predict the results of the decisions made about the patient.
- Analyzes and discriminates the different pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, as well as the consequences on individual and collective health states, in order to achieve an adequate level of understanding to prevent and educate about the importance of these aspects.
- Contributes and is involved in strengthening its own medical profile, recognizing its potential and the possibilities of generating, building and applying innovations in the field of health, with the aim of providing immediate solutions to the demands presented, both in the situations that require a doctor-patient relationship; as well as in the management or field of action research in the area of Health in which he is competent.
- Demonstrates and assumes a critical and sensitive attitude towards the natural and social environment, showing a humanistic behavior towards society, in order to commit itself with respect to individual diversity, and the conservation of the environment.
- Build your own communication skills in at least one foreign language, in order to expand your cultural knowledge and acquire the necessary foundations in scientific research, professional exchanges and in the full performance of your own medical practice.
- It is kept updated through periodic training, specialization and research, integrating the habit of reviewing and studying scientific and academic publications with the vision of providing an effective and current health service.
- Identifies and analyzes the molecular interactions of the organism, acquiring an integral domain to achieve a physiopathological understanding of the origin of the patient's manifestations.
- Analyze and discriminate the individual and collective health states, in order to achieve an adequate level of understanding to prevent and educate about the importance of these aspects.
- It contributes and is involved in the strengthening of its own medical profile and the possibilities of generating, building and applying innovations in the field of health, in order to provide immediate solutions to the demands presented.