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Psychologist: Know everything this career has to offer you

intro_-_Know_the_professional_profile_of_the_psycho%CC%81logo_and_everything_that_this_career_has_to_offer_you_at_the_job_level-1842fff2 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Psychologist: Know everything that this career has to offer you

Find out what a psychologist in your professional practice

The center of action of a psychologist it has to do with people's mental well-being. That is, he is a professional capable of constructing and applying tests to identify the needs of human beings (Orientación Universia, 2020). But what exactly does it do? Let's start with your professional profile.

Find out what a psychologist in your professional practice

The center of action of a psychologist it has to do with people's mental well-being. That is, he is a professional capable of constructing and applying tests to identify the needs of human beings (Orientación Universia, 2020). But what exactly does it do? Let's start with your professional profile.

What does the psychologist?

Un psychologist studies the way of thinking and acting of people (Educaweb, nd). Thus, it is interested in all aspects of behavior, thoughts, emotions, feelings and perceptions that make us act as we do. In addition to the relationship with the physical and social environment that surrounds us (Orientación Universia, 2020).

Likewise, it develops the necessary competencies and skills to be able to assess and accompany individuals in the development of their cognitive, affective, behavioral and interpersonal processes (INTEC, 2021).

Likewise, it applies prevention and intervention programs to groups. And, as part of your professional competencies, you can undertake coaching and activities related to motivation and leadership (Orientation Universia, 2020).

Un psychologist use your preparedness to assist people in trouble. He guides them to understand them, in order to change their life for the better. He is also a humanist leader. He carries out his professional practice from a transdisciplinary perspective, directed towards the well-being of society.

Would you like to be psychologist?

If you want to be psychologist, it is very important to know what skills and aptitudes are important to make the choice of your career. Thus, it is desirable that those who aspire to this profession promote four essential skills:

1. Active listening

Developing it will help you in communication with others and in interaction with human groups. In addition, it will be part of your professional practice to be able to understand the problems and help. This is a tool that contributes to the relationship psychologist-patient. It is also essential for success in your interpersonal relationships.


2. Communication skills

It will help you interact with people and earn their trust. What psychologist you must be attentive to all the patient's languages, verbal and non-verbal (Orientation Universia, 2020). Remember that your way of connecting with others is essential to show confidence and achieve assertive communication.

3. Empathy

To be psychologist It is a priority to understand the magnitude of the problems of others. To do this, you need to be empathetic. That is, having the ability to put oneself in the place of the other, feel what they feel and think how they think (Corbin, 2018). This resource will help you use the proper tools when evaluating a patient.

4. Openness and tolerance

To understand people's behavior, you must be open and tolerant to accept their behaviors (Orientación Universia, 2020). In your personal life, and how psychologist, you will meet people with whom you disagree or go against your beliefs. Respect for the other will be the basis of success in your professional relationship.

What is the field of work of the psychologist?

El psychologist Juan Corbin (2017) points out that you can work in the management of human talent in companies, as well as in private clinics and in prisons. But you can also work in the social and educational field in (INTEC, 2021):

  • Schools.
  • Specific communities.
  • With vulnerable populations.
  • In emotional well-being.

Likewise, he can serve in governmental and non-governmental organizations. In this sense, the psychologist can practice in the following fields of psychology (Corbin, 2017):

  • Clinic.
  • Educational and development.
  • Experimental.
  • Neurosciences: social and organizational.

You can also do it in psychological specializations such as: forensic, sports, applied to nutrition, criminal, legal, sexology and coaching.

Study for psychologist at INTEC

At Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) we offer you a degree in psychology with a novel curricular design. The study program gives you the opportunity to train in one of the three professional concentrations:

  • Clinical psychology. It will allow you to perform in the area of ​​mental health from prevention to intervention. Also in accompanying people through personal and group development techniques.
  • Social and organizational psychology. It will empower you to dedicate yourself to the design, promotion and evaluation of social projects.
  • Human development and education. You will be able to offer counseling and socio-psycho-pedagogical support to people.

In addition, the psychology degree of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo This year it has just received international accreditation from the National Council for Teaching and Research in Psychology (CNEIP), becoming the first Dominican university to obtain such endorsement.

You have already seen the importance of psychologist in society. Your role is essential for the emotional well-being of people in whatever area you work. If it is the career you want to study, in INTEC We invite you to achieve that great goal.

Bibliographic references