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INTEC - The 10 highest paid professions in the Dominican Republic

Get to know the 10 best paid professions in the Dominican Republic

The world of work is transforming due to the changes brought about by the global health emergency. Some Professions they have been strengthened and others, on the other hand, have had much less demand.

Get to know the 10 best paid professions in the Dominican Republic

The world of work is transforming due to the changes brought about by the global health emergency. Some Professions they have been strengthened and others, on the other hand, have had much less demand.

These changes have been experienced by all countries, both in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as in Europe, the United States and other continents. Many companies have been forced to use a hybrid system between face-to-face work (with drastic hygiene measures) and teleworking.

It is good that you keep these new scenarios in mind to decide which career to study in the future. Also, know the Professions best paid worldwide and in the Dominican Republic. Let's take a look at how the professional market is in general.

Currently highest paid professions

The Professions that were requested more in the labor market during 2020 and that are expected to be also demanded in this year 2021 worldwide are (, 2021; VG, 2021; Forbes Staff, 2020):

Digital careers (software development, telecommunications)

The Professions related to all things digital are on the rise and will continue to be important. In addition, they are quite well paid for men and women.

A web developer, for example, may be earning a floor of around 59.000 euros per year (USD $ 70.767). Software development, for its part, can be one of the Professions that exceeds 40.000 euros per year (USD $ 47.978). All this is because the pandemic has popularized web design, e-commerce and e-marketing.

Careers in the healthcare sector

Every day more doctors, nurses and nurses are in demand. Many hospitals in various countries have been short on medical staff, which is why they are and will continue to be in demand. In Europe, health personnel in 2021 can have salaries of up to 70.000 euros per year (USD $ 83.961).


It is a fact that many of the engineering companies are in great demand. In Mexico, for example, the highest paying majors are industrial engineering, computer engineering, and software engineering. They are Professions who are working with technological advances and developing solutions and applications to facilitate the work of both companies and individuals.

Highest paid professions in Latin America

An overview of Latin America in terms of the highest paid majors yields similar results. In 2020, doctors and psychologists were the Professions what better salary they had.

In the finance sector, Professions as economists and administrators they were among the best paid. Likewise, the labor market in Professions related to digital are a world trend. Thus, digital marketing was what set the trend in Latin America, with salaries around USD $ 581.

Software development professionals (global trend) in Latin America can earn up to USD $ 13 per hour. It is one of the highest paid careers in the region (Sam, 2020).

Top 10: highest paid careers in the Dominican Republic

For the Dominican Republic the Professions The most demanded and the best paid are in line with the world trend. According to data from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT), this would be the top 10:

1 Accounting

With a monthly salary of RD $ 24.652.00, this profession has a high occupancy rate, as it is around 66.8%. The salary mentioned will depend above all on the professional having an excellent command of writing and English.

2 Medicine

With an occupancy rate of around 27%. It is one of the Professions most demanded in the Dominican Republic. The salary of a doctor can amount to RD $ 28.937.00 per month.

3 Administration

With a 79% occupancy level, this career becomes one of the most important. The monthly salary is RD $ 23.073.00. This will vary if the professional is fluent in English or not.

4 Tourism

Although it is not one of the best paid, it has a high level of occupancy, with 96.44%.

5 Computing

A demanded career in the Dominican Republic. It follows the trend of both Latin America and the rest of the world. With an occupancy rate of almost 60%, the monthly salary of a computer scientist can reach RD $ 33.082.00.

6. Industrial engineering

Although the professional in this engineering has a high salary compared to other Professions (You can receive RD $ 42.709.00), employability is lower compared to that of computer science and even civil engineering.

7. Civil engineering

With income of RD $ 26.887.00, the occupancy rate is 53%.

8 Psychology

The humanities, as in the rest of the world, are among the least in demand. However, psychology is not only well paid today, but it will be in the future. This is due to the consequences that the population already suffers due to confinement by the coronavirus. In the Dominican Republic it has an occupancy probability of 32%.

9 Marketing

Digital marketing is one of the Professions currently highest valued and highest paid in the world. The marketing graduate will be able to carry out very specific jobs in digital companies in the future. It is one of the Professions top in the Dominican Republic.

10 Law

With monthly salaries of up to RD $ 24,795.47, legal professionals will enjoy a 41% probability of employment.

Highest hiring cities

The capital, Santo Domingo, is home to the most successful companies in the country. These companies stand out for their leadership, work-life balance, and organizational climate.

Among the companies that have been cataloged as the best places to work in 2020 in the The Caribbean Region They are: Colgate Palmolive, DHL Dominicana and Fenwall.

Prospects for the future: professions in greatest demand

Do you want to know what will be the most demanded career in the future? It is a fact that digitization is creating a high demand for careers working in this sector. Likewise, cybersecurity is in high demand today. Mastering English or another language will continue to be a fundamental requirement in the future.

Legal and social science degrees will have greater employability. Among the most requested degrees will be: business administration, law, marketing and economics (Meneses, 2020).

Health degrees have very good prospects for the future. Especially Professions as therapists, ICU nurses and social workers. As we mentioned before, post-pandemic jobs are booming.

Biotechnology and biochemistry will be in high demand. Data management will be very important, which is why careers as a data scientist or data analyst become relevant.

We have presented you with an overview of the Professions best paid worldwide and in the Dominican Republic. We hope that if your interest is to start your university training in 2021, this guide will help you make a decision. Sure your passion fits with some of them.

Do not hesitate to expand your knowledge by choosing the highest paid and most valued university degree in the future. It is time to choose the best for you.

Bibliographic references