Advisory committees of academic areas, programs and careers.
Since its foundation, and as part of its strategic linking strategy, the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) maintains close relationships with leading professionals and representatives of the productive sectors, who contribute to the design and execution of their academic programs. The objective of this effort is to ensure that INTEC graduates acquire all the skills demanded by the labor market, recognized as a constantly evolving scenario.
In an effort to formalize the traditional alliances reached by the Academic Areas in the conformation of their consulting bodies, and in line with the declaration of the 2019 as the Year of Linkage for Development and Competitiveness, the INTEC approved in February of 2019 its Regulation of the Advisory Committee of the Academic Areas and the Career and Programs Advisory Committee, which establishes the objectives, conformation and specific functions of each one.
The Advisory Committees of Academic Areas have the objective of promoting the link between the university and the environment and to develop dialogue spaces that allow the permanent strengthening of careers and programs. These are headed by the dean or dean of the Area and composed of representatives of companies, public bodies or social institutions, national and international, as well as prominent professionals.
While the Career Committees or Programs are consultative bodies to advise on processes of reform and updating specific curricular contents by areas of knowledge, and are integrated by the coordinator of the program, representatives of teachers, students, professors and a representative of the employer sector.
The INTEC presents the members of its Advisory Committees of academic areas, careers and programs, who put their experience at the service of future generations through an exercise of responsible and disinterested academic contribution.
Members by academic area
Mechanical Engineering- Fernando López
- Luis Mendez
- Juan Ernesto Castellanos
- Diego Fernandez
- Jorge Francisco Rodríguez Saba
- Emil Campusano
Electric engineering- Giuseppe Sbriz
- Eduardo de León
- Orianni Genao
- Angel Salas
- Ernesto Camaño
- Osvaldo González
Electronic and Communications Engineering- Yobany Díaz
- Juan Samuel Pérez
- Rafael E. Polanco Martínez
- Estefania Caceres Acosta
- Ramiro Zapata
- Henry of God
- Jiancarlo Isa Blandino
Civil Engineering- Martin Abbott
- Tulio Rodríguez
- Idel Pérez
- Annerys Meléndez
- Rafael Federico Aybar Medrano
- José Rafael Rodríguez Cáceres
- Michel El Hage
- Jaime González
Industrial engineer- Luis Toirac
- Jorge Miranda
- Katherine Motika
- José Lomba
- Belgium Lourdes Sosa
- Rafael Piantini
- Evaristo Yanez
- Horacio Lomba
- Víctor Palma
- Ricardo Pérez
- Quilvio Cabral
- Erick Alma
- Hector martinez
- José Ureña
- Jordi Portet
- Carlos Flaquer
- Paolo Tolari
- Celso Ml. Perez
Industrial design- Aránzazu Toribio
- Margarita Rodriguez
- Carla Aponte
- Michelle Urtecho
- Hoyma Mazara
Systems engineer- Lorenzo Martínez
- Joel Jiménez
- Jarlin Díaz
- Emily Rubens
- Sebastián Dinardi
- Agustín Cruz
- José Elías
Software engineering- France Mejía
- Charlin Agramonte
- Jean Carlos Marranzini
- Mabel Gerónimo
- Carlos Valdez
- Renato González
- Yahina Mejía
Mechatronics Engineering- Irvin Cedeño
- Romer Quiñones
- Lucia Medina
- Juan Chiriboga
- Deyslen Mariano
Social Sciences and Humanities
Area of Social Sciences and Humanities- Víctor Hernández, Mgtr.
- Gisela M. Eusebio Rodríguez
- Judith Rodríguez
- Nery Antonio Taveras López
- Alicia ortega
Psychology- Pedro José Castillo Rodríguez
- Glorianna Montás Ponceano
- Julissa M. Gómez Fernández
- Arlette Marie Moya Lara
- Eddy Frank Vásquez
- Daysi Thamara Márquez Moya
Cinema and Audiovisual Communication- María Soledad López
- Felix Manuel Lora
- Elsa Turull
- Madel Márquez
- Jaime Gómez
- Yvette Marichal
- Rafael Muñoz
- Zumaya Lamb
Education- Islen Rodríguez
- Leonte Ramírez
- Carmen Sanchez
- Adelaide Florentino
- Luís Maroto
- Mattews Ureña Moya
- Vanessa Custodio
- Jafreury Duran Nivar
- Jessica Ruiz Montero
- Albreydy Alberto Holguin Roque
- Eduardo Villanueva
- Elsa Arias
- Amalia Inchaustegui de Hernández
Social Communication and Digital Media- Rosa Alcantara
- Mariela Mejía
- Esmerarda Montero
- Paola Ferreras
- José Monegro
- Fausto Rosario Adames
- Alba Nely Family
Economy and business
Area of Economy and Business- Armando Barrios
- Steven Puig
- Mónika Infante
- Enrique Noboa
- Enrique Darwin Caraballo
- Milciades Willmore
Master's Degree in Human Talent Management- Pearl Cave
- Zoilo Núñez
- Carlos Alberto Ortiz
- Nelson Elvin Elliot Santana Fernández
- Lourdes Gómez
- Manuel Antonio Santana Ramírez
- Luis Antonio Torres Emiliano
- Kisauris Canario
- Rosalina Luna Reynoso
- Lupita Escarramán Hernández
Master's Degree in Applied Statistics- Boanerges Domínguez
- Renato González
- Felipe Torres
- Reyna Yamel Gomera
- Alexis Cruz Rodríguez
Master in Management and MBA- Cristiano Núñez
- Alba Henríquez
- Karla Crespo
- Joseph Genao
- Francisco del Carpio Jacobs
Master's Degree in Public Investment Management- Spinal Frame
- Magdalena Lizardo
- Vianela Herasme
- Solendy Capellán
- Carlos Burgos
- Maximum Contreras
Master's Degree in Quality Management and Productivity- José Durán
- José Lomba
- Alvin Marrero
- Cinthia Batista
- Francisco García
Marketing and e-commerce- Cristian Cohen
- Mariela Fermín
- Franyelin Contreras Cabral
- María Alejandra Montes Valera
- Felipe González Villada
Business Administration and Management- Jesus Bastard
- Dilcia Matos
- Alejandro Balbuena Abud
- Alina Contreras
- Rafael Ciriaco
Commercial engineering- Jesus Bastard
- Spinal Frame
- Aimée Pavonessa
- Fernando Martínez
- Raquel Rodríguez
International Business- Soraya Santana
- Manuel Peña
- Ashley Sánchez Santos
- Orissa Arnaud
- Luis González
Economy- José Rafael Espinal
- Carlos Ramos
- Paschal Light
- Daniel Liranzo
- Julio Andújar
Accounting- Carmen Concepcion
- Marcia Yakelin Andujar
- Elisandra Cabral Carrasco
- María Alejandra Cordero Abreu
- Luis Olive
Health Sciences
Area of Health Sciences- Miguel Robiou
- Ana Lebrón
- Camilo García
- José Brea del Castillo
- Herbert Stern
Medicine- Fernando Santamaría
- Rosario Almánzar
- Jorge Brea Collado
- Alba Beltré
- Jorge Brea Collado
- María Almánzar
Dentistry- Alice Romero Larrauri
- José María Heredia Bonetti
- Alba Báez
- Sonia Rodríguez
Basic and Environmental Sciences
Area of Basic and Environmental Sciences- Leticia Mendoza
- Agripina Ramírez
- Celeste Mir
- Ana del Carmen Reynoso
- Osiris Mota
Mathematics with Concentration in Actuarial Science- René Piedra
- Cristóbal Alexis Durán
- Julio Beras
- Eduardo Baldera
- Leticia Martínez
Biotechnology- Luis Enrique Rodríguez de Francisco
- Carlos José Boluda
- Carolina Juncá
- Diego Antonio del Orbe
- Wilda Arias