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DSC_0415-0606ed86 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Universidades inician Programa de Movilidad Estudiantil Nacional Interuniversitario


Publication date:

February 06 2018

Universities initiate National Interuniversity Student Mobility Program

SANTO DOMINGO. The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), the Pontifical Catholic University Mother and Teacher (PUCMM), the APEC University, Ibeoamerican University (UNIBE) and the National University Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU) signed a agreement de interuniversity mobility, which allows its students to study some periods in any of the other affiliates. 

This is established by the agreement de collaboration signed by the five rectors of these universities, which formalizes the creation of the First Interuniversity National Student Mobility Program of the country, an initiative that aims to enable the Dominican academic community to exchange experiences that contribute to strengthen integral development of the students, already generate synergy among institutions of higher education.

The signing ceremony, which took place in a hotel in this Capital, was attended by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, doctor Alejandrina Germán. It was chaired by the rector of INTEC, doctor Rolando M. Guzmán; Fr. Dr. Alfredo De la Cruz Baldera, rector of the PUCMM; the doctor Franklyn Holguin Hache, rector of UNAPEC; the doctor Julio Amado Castanos Guzman, rector of UNIBE and the architect Miguel Fiallo, rector of the UNPHU. These academies mark the beginning of cooperation, leaving open the possibility for other institutions to join, at a later stage.

By offering a few introductory words during the event, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology affirmed that the agreement opens a new stage in the history for the Dominican higher education. “This exchange program is a advance important around the internationalization for the higher education for the Dominican Republic, the exchange will promote the internationalization of higher education ”, expressed Germán.

“The promotion of quality higher education in the XNUMXst century, which shows well-marked trends of diversification, innovation, internationalization and quality assurance, pose challenges that, in our Latin American contexts, increasingly lead us to assume greater commitments in search of the management of quality, innovative and multicultural educational systems ”, he said.

During a panel, made up of the rectors of the five signatory universities, the rector of the UNPHU, Miguel Fiallo, assured that even before entering into force the agreement strengthens them as institutions. He quoted a phrase from Henry Ford, "When we all move forward together, success is assured."

While Dr. Castaños Guzmán, from UNIBE, assured that the pact is more than a grain of sand to the agreement of sectors in the country. In his opinion, it sends a message to Dominican society that when institutions generate synergies They leave a learning to society that it is possible to build a nation. “It is a step forward for the construction of a higher education system with strengths. Hopefully and in other sectors we can see this type of alliances ”, he pointed out.

In the same terms, the rector of UNAPEC was expressed, who emphasized that it is a Historic moment and a priceless milestone within Dominican higher education.

DSC_0467-3 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Universidades inician Programa de Movilidad Estudiantil Nacional Interuniversitario

Following this, Father De la Cruz Baldera, rector of PUCMM, affirmed that the history of Dominican higher education cannot be written without mentioning this moment. “This agreement expresses the confidence that exists between the institutions that we are doing well. Our universities trust each other, "he said.

Rolando M. Guzmán, rector of INTEC, expressed his great satisfaction for the signing of the agreement that considered a dream done reality. He highlighted the level of maturity that has reached the national higher education system, the collaborative spirit that exists between the different universities, and the enormous capacity and work of the university teams, conditions that he considered allowed to achieve the pact.

In his view, the agreement is the first step in a long sequence of steps for the system to meet the country's development needs.

Through the Program, students from the signatory universities will be able to learn about a different academic dynamics, Cstudy subjects that your program does not offer, experiment pedagogical systems y different learning tools, and expand your professional circle, meeting other teachers and students who will become his colleagues in the near future. At the end of the experience, each student will return to their original program, transferring what they have completed during the exchange to their grade record.

It is a cooperation model that is successfully developed between higher education institutions in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, among other countries, and that is carried out for the first time in the Dominican Republic with the interest of establishing, developing and consolidating the cooperation between higher education institutions.


The Applicants to participate in the National Interuniversity Student Mobility Program must have a cumulative index higher than 3 points and submit a series of application documents. The agreement establishes a maximum number of students that will be received by each university in each academic period.

The mobility program includes all the academic programs offered by the participating institutions, with the exception of those that are special, in other languages ​​or with a double degree with other universities.