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A decade of work against gender violence and the improvement of lives of Dominican women
SANTO DOMINGO - During a meeting with social and public actors in the country Philip Morris Dominicana (PMDO) and the Center for Gender Studies of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (CEG-INTEC) presented the achievements de 10 years of its interinstitutional agreement, which aims to carry out actions for the prevention of violence against women, inequality and child abuse in the Dominican Republic.
PMDO and CEG-INTEC are pioneer institutions in directing efforts to prevent gender-based violence against men. In these years, and through this agreement, they have implemented socio-educational programs and projects that raise awareness about the fight against violence against women.
Product of the alliance between Phillip Morris Dominicana and CEG-INTEC, near 300,000 people have been impacted manner direct e hint. In turn, to date some Community 2,000 y local serversIncluding prosecution, health, police y civil society, count on concepts y methodologies to actuate facing cases of gender violence, handling tools that have allowed them improve your work, in the articulated efforts to eradicate violence against women and child abuse.
Also, more than 50 training processes through courses, workshops, training days y graduates, To capacitate y sensitize about the subject, as well as publications that present studies.
In the event, Roberto Yunen, General Director of Philip Morris Dominicana, He said: “In Philip Morris Dominicana we firmly believe that everyone, regardless of gender, plays an important role in the social and economic progress of the country. It is for this reason that we assume the serious commitment to work in raising awareness against gender violence and promoting equality. ”
Yunen said that with the alliance “we seek to impact the change in sexist behavior through the development of new masculinities programs. As a company, we have the mission of promoting diversity and inclusion, implementing initiatives that guarantee equal opportunities and conditions for all and all our collaborators ”.
Also, the Rector of INTEC, Rolando M. Guzmán, positively valued the work done together by the university and the company Philip Morris Dominicana from different sides. “Over a decade we have worked for the Dominican society with the firm purpose of guaranteeing equal rights and fight against the terrible scourge of the violence. All this work is part of our Institutional Strategic Plan 2022 that has the Linkage and Social Impact among its strategic guidelines, calling us to establish strategic alliances to influence policies to address social problems, ”he said.
The coordinator of the Center for Gender Studies of INTEC, Fatima Lorenzo, presented a synthesis from the memory from those 10 years of joint workhighlighted the importance and and impact that this process has had with the conformation of the Local Networks for a Life Without Violence.
Likewise, Sonia Díaz, Vice Minister of Equality Policies of the Ministry of Women, said that the way to eradicate gender violence is prevention. In that regard, he stressed that the Ministry has begun to strengthen this process by developing actions so that women know how to identify violence and risks.
PMDO and CEG-INTEC took advantage of the meeting to reaffirm their commitment to the development of a society and life without violence, betting on a system of prevention and protection. They stressed that it is an effort of all, both citizens and authorities and invited other institutions to provide viable and effective solutions in the long term, for the solution of this problem.
In addition, they thanked the support of the Ministry of Women, the Vice Presidency of the Republic, the Dominican Association of Journalists with a Gender Perspective, the ADEMI Foundation, Intermón Oxfam, Dominican Plan, and Canadian Funds for Local Initiatives, who have been key allies in the strategic development of each of the activities carried out.