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Publication date:

December 12 2014

A workshop to learn about radiophonic speech

SANTO DOMINGO. With the aim of equipping students, teachers and administrative staff of INTEC with techniques and tools on radiophonic speech, the Teaching Management Division and the Learning Resources Directorate organized the Introduction to radiophonic speech workshop, which was given by the Renowned broadcaster Reynaldo Infante.

The training, which was held in two days, was aimed at the members of the Intecian community who showed interest in collaborating and supporting the INTEC radio station, and desire to enter that medium of communication and take advantage of its full potential.

Renowned broadcaster Reynaldo Infante was in charge of the training that included between its contents "the voice and its qualities", "the language of the radio: voice, music, sound effects and silence", "the communication between the technician and the speaker "," how to create a radio script? "and" techniques of improvisation and creativity ", among other topics.

It is a workshop aimed at training in basic knowledge about radiophonic speech and basic principles on radio production, aimed at serving as a base for participants to more specialized and motivating training to further deepen their knowledge of the work of the radio.

The laborers for the construction of the INTEC Radio booth initiated the 22 of September of 2014, under the coordination of the Directorate of Learning Resources and the direction to the Deanship of Management of Teaching

Radio, which in an initial phase can be listened to through the Internet, has among its objectives to contribute to the promotion of values, entertain and amuse, thus reaching the largest number of listeners. Also, it intends to be an educational and cultural radio, with the firm intention of positioning itself as an alternative, and its broadcasts will begin in January 2015.