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digitization-4667376_1280-e9ac7b23 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Transformación digital, garantía de la permanencia y el éxito de las empresas


Publication date:

29 2020 June

Digital transformation, guarantee of the permanence and success of companies

SANTO DOMINGO. - Currently, the <strong>success</strong> of the organizations and business is largely determined by the ability y capacity that they have to transform into the digital world, as evidenced by the coronavirus (COVID-19) upon arrival.

In one way or another all organizations have had to operate by Digital environment. Those who had started the transformation process were able to connect quickly, while those who resisted began to see their customers leave, and this last reality has been experienced by small businesses as well as large companies. This is how they expressed it Jesus Left, Chief Executive Leader of The Worldgate Group y Karil taveras, Chief Executive Leader of Ideox, when dictating the conference "Road map towards digital transformation".

In the virtual meeting, held by the Directorate of Permanent Education of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo DomingoIzquierdo pointed out that the market goes much faster than many of the companies and pondered that businesses that do not transform digitally have their days numbered. "COVID-19 is going to fill the cemetery with companies", sentenced.

Jes%C3%BAs_V.Izquierdo1 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Digital transformation, guarantee of the permanence and success of companies


The Spanish expert stressed that the fact that the employees of a company are working digitally, because they are telecommuting, does not make the institution a digital company. He noted that cellular communication and social networks have caused a change in society and the way of interacting with service and product providers.

Deepening on how to achieve digital transformation, both Izquierdo and Taveras agreed that the main thing is to start with the leadership of organizations, companies or institutions, because otherwise the process would be chaotic, "they said.

“It all starts with the leadership of the organization, a person who buys the vision and decides that he is going to go through a transformation process above. When the process begins to descend, then the culture impacts and with it the processes, "Izquierdo said, while pointing out the importance of having a unified vision and the commitment of all the members of the company, but, above all, he pointed out that a correct market perspective is needed.Karil_Taveras1 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Transformación digital, garantía de la permanencia y el éxito de las empresas


In this sense, Karil Taveras indicated that to work the processes you must put client in the center, which implies beginning to understand their real needs, "then the tools become a wild card that will help us have that access and that approach to the client," he said.

In addition, it recommended that companies take into account the Big Data y Smart data, Artificial Intelligence (Chat Box, online employee induction), Blockchain, collaborative economy, X-Tech, social networks, the cloud, the ciberseguridad, biometrics and virtual reality, technological megatrends that will positively impact your digital transformation processes.

In the webinar, the experts stated that some digital immigrants are beginning to become the disruptors of traditional models and an active part of startups based on new business models. "Money is not the most important thing, but the talent, the desire and the good use of technology and the understanding of the business in a different way and how to create a different value chain," said Izquierdo, who considered that money is the What is left in the world, what is missing are good ideas to invest.

During his presentation he also emphasized one of the strategic competences at the moment is humility, "strategic arrogance does not lead anywhere," he argued. She said young people should be allowed to become the digital mentors of people over 50 who work at the company.

Taveras and Izquierdo specified that the hierarchy of change ranges from visionary change, strategic change, operational change and tactical change. They also stressed that to proceed with the digital transformation, it is necessary to evaluate what sector we are in and what type of clients we are dealing with.

 "Senior Management Program in Digital Transformation"

Jesús Izquierdo and Karil Taveras will teach the "Senior Management Program in Digital Transformation" It has been designed to support those who wish to be the conceptual disruptors, who will ignite the spark in their companies, school institutions and organizations, to help accelerate the adaptation and transformation of thought models, impacting culture, processes and finally the tools, to ensure the permanence of these and their leaders in times of constant transformation to the digital world.

The international program lasts 60 hours of classes that will be facilitated by Karil Taveras, Jesús Izquierdo, Felipe Rodríguez, Jorge Sanz, Raquel Pérez, Yamil Alburquerque and David Pérez, an international Spanish-speaking cloister (residents in Madrid, Spain, and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic), who have teaching experience in business schools and universities with a high international profile.

For more information about the program, contact the Directorate of Permanent Education at 809-567-9271 extensions 214 and 215, or by email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..