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conferenciaSTEAM-99668702 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - STEAM: Una perspectiva interdisciplinaria para el desarrollo de competencias


Publication date:

12 2018 June

STEAM: An interdisciplinary perspective for the development of competences

SANTO DOMINGO. -The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) and the Propagas Foundation they develop a academic strategy with the aim of highlighting the articulation of the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Fine ArtsMaths (STEAM), for its acronym in English.

The STEAM movement proposes to increase the relevance of science and the arts in the country's educational system and promote them as key pieces of the XNUMXst century economy, based on creativity and innovation.

With this idea, the doctor Sandra GonzalezWho coordinates the activities co-curricular of the bachelor's degrees en sciences with orientation to Secondary education, promoted the realization of a workshop that gathered in the Julio Ravelo De la Fuente Room to 72 students of the Teachers of Excellence program, which highlighted the importance of showing in students the objective of mastering the skills for problem solving, innovation, analysis and critical thinking.

Professor Izaskun Uzcanga, full professor of Area of ​​Basic and Environmental Sciences, and coordinator by the Propagas Foundation of Little Scientists RD Program, workshop leader, pointed out that “the lived experience served to encourage the group Trust of each person in himself, as the basis of team work and collaboration, to achieve certain objectives in common, explore the phenomena of science through the arts, acquire knowledge in a different way, develop essential skills to actively participate in the areas of interest, immersed in a world with opportunities and experiences each time more complex ”.

As Professor Uzcaga stated, “Through this vision of STEAM a culture of scientific thought to inspire students, future citizens and teachers, to use the reasoning based on the evidence for decision making; that they are capable of facing each living challenge with confidence in their ability to learn, understand, generate creative solutions, teamwork, and build new visions that guide the sustained growth of their respective societies and regions ”.

For some years now, the countries that promote an educational system oriented towards the formation of skills and competences have led the world economies with sustained growth, in which the most important capital is knowledge, as a product of the intelligent and responsible use of technologies and resources.

The INTEC workshop showed, once again, that education in real contexts, prepares students today for the challenges of tomorrow, developing in them abilities y attitudes both professionals and personnel who need to be successful, thereby promoting productive and sustainable societies.

STEAM Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - STEAM: Una perspectiva interdisciplinaria para el desarrollo de competencias