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Rosario%20Arostegui-c3a91540 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Rosario Aróstegui is the new vice-rector for Research and Linkage of INTEC

Publication date:

02 October 2023

Rosario Aróstegui is the new vice-rector of Research and Linkage of INTEC

SANTO DOMINGO. The industrial engineer with a master's degree in Business Administration, Rosario Aróstegui, was appointed by the Board of Regents of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) as the new vice-rector for Research and Liaison of the university for the period 2023-2026.

The decision of the highest management body of INTEC was adopted in its session last Thursday, September 28, complying with the process established in the Regulations for the Selection of the Rector and Vice-Rectors that governs the appointment of those positions in the university.

Aróstegui is an Industrial Engineer graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University Madre y Maestra (1984), with a master's degree in Business Administration from that university. She has various certifications as a facilitator, professional in the development of skills in youth and children on youth entrepreneurship (University of Salamanca, 2017), Coach with NLP (Colinde 2017), among others.

She has served as director of the Meta Management Center, a business consulting and training firm, in charge of business strategies and supervision of compliance with commercial and financial objectives. She has been a consultant on performance (Robinson and Robinson Methodology) and design of training programs for various organizations. She is a renowned entrepreneur and speaker on entrepreneurship, development, vocation and training. She serves as coordinator and ambassador for the Dominican Republic of the Youth Entrepreneurship Tournament "El Plan", "La Aventura de Emprender", "Finalcity" and "Metodology Momento". She was also coordinator of Master's programs in Business Management and Finance at the PUCMM.

According to current regulations, it was up to the Rector to form a shortlist of candidates for the position, for which he decided to make a call for the presentation of candidates, disseminated through different internal and external media, as well as a prior evaluation of these by a specialized firm. in human resources management. 

Once this phase was completed, the Rector's Office presented a set of finalist candidates that were considered by the Academic Council, after which the Rector structured a shortlist that was submitted to the Board of Regents for decision-making. Since mid-2023, Aróstegui served as Executive Director of Development, Institutional Relations and Graduates at INTEC.