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Rolando Guzmán says the solution to the DR's electricity problem is in the END, the Electric Pact and the PRM Government Program
During his speech at the Electric Distribution panel of the INTEC-ADIE Electric Forum, the former rector of INTEC highlighted the challenges and opportunities of the sector and called for solving inefficiencies in electric distribution.
SANTO DOMINGO. – The National Development Strategy, the Electric Pact and the Government Program of the Modern Revolutionary Party contain measures that could solve the problem of electricity generation in the Dominican Republic, said economist Rolando Guzmán, while participating in the Electric Forum recently organized by the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) and the Dominican Association of the Electrical Industry (ADIE).
“These instruments contain a list of measures that reflect years of reflection on the subject. The review also reveals a dichotomy: a large part of the progress has been made in the generation area, but most of the measures that have to do with the distribution area are still pending,” stressed the former rector of INTEC.
During his speech at the Electric Forum, Guzmán presented a critical perspective on the structural contradictions of the sector, describing it as "eminently schizophrenic."
“The electricity sector is an eminently schizophrenic sector. And I say it is a schizophrenic sector, figuratively speaking, because it is a sector that combines excellent news with very bad results,” said Guzmán, who then highlighted that significant progress has been made in the capacity to generate and supply energy, in the diversification of the generation matrix and in the coverage rate, but this has not translated into an accessible and efficient service for Dominicans.
"The final product remains inefficient, unstable and expensive for a large part of the population," Guzmán said.
The academic attributed these deficiencies to the preeminence of political interests in the distribution section, which has generated a separation between economic rationality and service management. “We have a system that invites inefficiency, because it does not guarantee economic incentives for making socially favorable decisions,” he said. This, he explained, means that some consumers have incentives to overconsume, while others suffer from underconsumption, and companies have little incentive to be efficient, because they receive resources unconditionally.
In his speech, he also showed optimism and agreed with the Superintendent of Electricity, Andrés Astacio, in pointing out that, with the clear outlook, the country has the capacity to fulfill these tasks in the coming years. "In a few years, when we have this forum again, I hope that we will be addressing other issues, but without failing to recognize the progress that we have already achieved so far," said Guzmán.
During the panel on Electric Distribution, Guzmán was accompanied by Alberto Veloz, former Vice Minister of Energy and Mines; Pelegrín Castillo, former Minister of Energy and Mines and Andres Astacio, electrical superintendent.
The INTEC-ADIE Electricity Forum, considered one of the most relevant meetings on the reform of the electric sector in the Dominican Republic, brought together national and international experts to discuss viable solutions that guarantee a more efficient, sustainable and affordable electric service for the country. Throughout the event, the panelists addressed key topics, such as energy generation, distribution infrastructure and the regulatory framework, with the aim of outlining a clear roadmap for the future of the Dominican electric system.