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CS-5d9434ef Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Revista Ciencia y Sociedad del INTEC recibe ratificación por Redalyc


Publication date:

August 15 2019

INTEC Science and Society Magazine receives ratification by Redalyc

SANTO DOMINGO. -Magazine Science and Society of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) It was ratified by the Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (Redalyc), because of its high editorial quality.

In a communication, addressed to the editorial body of the magazine, the CEO of Redalyc Eduardo Aguado-López expresses “The nature de Science and Society, coherent with the actions that propitiate the preservation y strengthening of the publication model nonprofit, to preserve the academic and open nature of the scientific communication, make it a participant in the model that Redalyc supports. "

Expresses that the publication, decade of local scientific journals with more than 44 uninterrupted years, has demonstrated scientific and editorial quality, XML-JATS digital publishing technology, open access policy without costs for publication or processing and also the vision of recognizing the need to overcome the current evaluation process based on the impact factor, adding to the Declaration of San Francisco (DORA).

Redalyc is a academic project at the request of the communication system for dissemination in open access of the activity editorial scientist, with emphasis on social sciences, arts and humanities, and the ratification of the INTEC magazine it occurs within the framework of a new stage: R2020, a model of open publication, owned by the academy, nonprofit, sustainable, with responsible metrics y not subordinate.

About Science and Society

It is a quarterly magazine de dissemination and scientific dissemination from Dominican Republic, edited and sponsored by INTEC. It emerged in 1975; and in June 2016 migrated all your files to develop a mainly online version.

It is a medium with a clear transdisciplinary vocation, which includes the production of INTEC, as well as the academic institutions of the Dominican Republic, Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as research projects generated in other academic spaces.