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campverano-65836400 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Realizarán tercer campamento de verano enfocado en robótica, emprendimiento, cine y diseño


Publication date:

26 2019 June

They will hold a third summer camp focused on robotics, entrepreneurship, film and design

SANTO DOMINGO. - By third consecutive year el Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) will perform its traditional Summer Camp in which teenagers y YOUNG, from the 10 up to the 17 years, they will be able to put their skills into practice in the areas of robotics, design, entrepreneurship e innovation and cinema.

The INTEC develops this type of activity with the objective that children and adolescents profile their professional skills and have a greater criterion when choosing the university careers that they will study.

La ludic activity y training It will be held in the campus of the university, located on Los Próceres Avenue, during opening hours 9: 00 in the morning a 12: 30 in the afternoon, the 15 to the 26 of July. 

El robotics camp will focus on innovation in robotics issues and will be able to enroll teenagers from the 10 up to the 14 years. That of design will cover fashion aspects, products and services, and your target audience are teenagers between the 13 and 17 years.

Meanwhile, the camp in entrepreneurship and innovation It was designed for young people from 13 to 17 years with aptitudes for the world of business. Also, the movie camp was created with the intention that young people who feel passion for the cinema and audiovisual production Put your skills into practice.  

Another objective of this type of initiative is to create spaces dedicated especially to encourage, in the youngest, a culture of values ​​and allow them to have a place where they can find the opportunity to relate to their environment, to know and live new experiences.

Those interested can register in the email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling 809-567-9271 ext. 621.