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IMG_3883-e76bbe7d Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Realizan primera reunión de la Comisión Ejecutiva del Consejo Económico y Social (CES)


Publication date:

18 October 2012

They hold the first meeting of the Executive Committee of the Economic and Social Council (ESC)


 Santo Domingo. In this first meeting between the Executive Committee of the Economic and Social Council, led by Monsignor Agripino Núñez Collado, the Executive Committee of the ESC and the Government Team, led by the Minister of Finance, Lic. Simón Lizardo, the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, Eng. Juan Temístocles Montás, Luis Reyes, Budget Director, Guarocuya Feliz, Director of Internal Taxes, Magdalena Lizardo, Vice Minister of MEPyD and Magín Díaz, Vice Minister of Finance.

The Executive Committee of the ESC is composed of Messrs. Manuel Diez Cabral and Rafael Paz, President and Executive Director of the National Council of Private Enterprise (CONEP), Wady Canó (AIH), Rafael (Pepe) Abreu (CNUS), Radhames Camacho ( ADP), Father Mario Serrano (Juan Montalvo) and Rolando Guzmán (INTEC).

As noted, we inform that the request made by the CONEP, through the press release published today in the national press, was received, and it was agreed with the government team that the discussion would begin with an analysis and review of public expenditure. Once this evaluation is concluded, the tax reform proposal presented by the government last week will be discussed.

It was agreed that the process of discussion of the Fiscal Pact will cover the following points:

1. Guiding principles of the Fiscal Pact.

2. Short-term fiscal consolidation program, with a view to closing the 2012 General State Budget and formulating the Budget
            General of the 2013 State.

3. Agenda of structural reform required for the implementation of the National Development Strategy.


Regarding the topic "Guiding Principles of the Fiscal Pact", the following principles were agreed:

1. Comprehensiveness

 2. Fiscal management oriented to Sustainable Human and Productive Development.

3. Participation and Social Comptroller.

4. Rationality and quality of public spending management.

5. Fiscal co-responsibility.

6. Equity.

7. Efficiency.

8. Fiscal sustainability.

9. Competitiveness- Sustainable economic growth and development.

Regarding the topic "Short Term Fiscal Consolidation Program", it was agreed that it will be addressed in permanent sessions in the next two weeks.

To guarantee a broad and active participation of all sectors of national life, on Wednesday 10 in October will be announced the mechanism that will be used for such purposes.

The government has expressed its willingness to work on the identification of actions that allow for the incorporation of observations related to the analysis and review of public spending and tax revenues.

In relation to the topic of Structural Reforms, the work program for the discussion of them will be agreed soon.