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IMG-20140930-WA0000-e75f1465 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Realizan jornada de sensibilización sobre Violencia y VIH-SIDA


Publication date:

03 October 2014

They hold an awareness day on Violence and HIV-AIDS

SANTO DOMINGO. A total of 531 students of the INTEC participated in the Conference on University Awareness "Violence against women: knowing the risks to HIV-AIDS", which organized the Center for Gender Studies Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (CEG-INTEC), under the auspices of the National HIV-AIDS Council (CONAVIHSIDA).

The day was developed through six talks facilitated by the psychologist Jeannette Tineo and Dr. Liliam Fondeur, aimed at informing and sensitizing students, teachers and staff of INTEC on HIV and AIDS and its link with violence against women, overcoming stigma and discrimination against those living with HIV.

The diagnosis or outlook of the HIV-AIDS epidemic in the country and the legal regulations referred to or linked to the national response to the disease, were other topics discussed in the meetings.

The Tineo and Fondeur doctors used an expository-participatory methodology, which allowed them to start from the students' learning to foster the exchange of ideas, experiences and concerns in a climate of trust and respect.

Mariela-foto5 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Make a day of awareness on Violence and HIV-AIDS

The students of the subjects Human Being and Society, Scientific work, Human sexuality, Sexuality for life, Sexual therapy, Development and society, Sex and power, Human geography, orientation to psychology, methodology of health research and academic guidance .

The initiative has its antecedents in the strategies defined by CONAVIHSIDA to promote preventive actions aimed at the young population, significantly affected by the epidemic.

Similarly, the days are framed within the Institutional Strategy of INTEC 2013-2017, taking advantage of the role that the university plays as a human resources trainer, promoter of research for knowledge production, technology generator and supporter. of transfer for social transformation.