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359-ec6524e4 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Realizan charla en programación de equipos móviles con tecnología android


Publication date:

02 September 2011

They make talk in programming of mobile equipment with android technology

Santo Domingo.- Within the framework of the initiatives carried out by the School of Systems Engineering and Software Engineering of INTEC, the talk "Programming of Mobile Equipment using Android Technology" was offered. Through the same Edwin Salazar, Coordinator of Academies of Technology at the university explained that the main objective of the meeting is to publicize the components and structure of this operating system designed to develop applications for mobile devices.

The central dissertation was led by Eng. Ellis Lombert, specialist and technology consultant, founder of the company LQ Software.

Among the topics addressed were "History", "History of updates", "features", "Architecture", "Development of applications", "Devices with Androit", "Market Share" and "Curiosities with the names of versions". of technology. "

This same scenario also served to present the First Chapter of GTUG (Google Technology User Group). A group made up of people interested in Google technologies in general, from Android and the application engine, to YouTube or Google APIs, among others.

Android is Google's mobile operating system based on open source licensed under GNU / Linux, unbeatable in the “Smartphone” or “Smart Phone” market. It has achieved 41% market share, followed by its great rival Apple, which has managed to monopolize 8% of the market. The study carried out by MobiLens for comScore (NASDAQ: SCOR) shows the results from April to July of this year on the main trends in the US mobile phone industry. more than 27 users over 30.000 years old. Of the 13 million users who use a mobile device, 234 million have a “Smartphone”.

This event took place in the Osvaldo García de la Concha auditorium of INTEC and was attended by professors and students of Engineering from INTEC, representatives of the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU) and representatives of the Orange Dominicana company.