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Jose%20Contreras%20Leandra%20Tapia%20Leticia%20Mendoza%20y%20David%20Luther%20FOTO%20EM%20-%20copia-9fbf8107 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - RD is the seventh country in vulnerability to climate change


Publication date:

21 2013 June

RD is the seventh country in vulnerability to climate change

The Dominican Republic is the seventh country most vulnerable to climate change as part of the Caribbean, which is the second region in the world most vulnerable to this phenomenon, according to figures presented by David Luther, director of the Dominican Institute for Integral Development (IDDI).

Luther and Michela Izzo spoke at INTEC on the basis of the study carried out for the Dominican Institute for Integral Development (IDDI), with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which was presented last year.

Students of subjects related to ecology, human beings and nature attended the meeting, where it was pointed out that thirteen provinces of the country are highly vulnerable to variability and climate change, most of them located on the coasts and associated with tourism and agriculture.

The study prioritized seven sectors: drought agriculture, flood agriculture, energy, water for human consumption, tourism, human settlements and protected areas.
Through a series of indicators that measured exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity, the authors analyzed the vulnerability of each province according to the sector and then calculated a global vulnerability index for each of the provinces.

The conference was held within the framework of the INTEC-IDDI agreement, in which a diploma course and various conferences on climate change are taught.