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Publication date:

17 2015 June

Professor of INTEC publishes book to build videogames for Android

Professor Raydelto Hernández, Software Engineer of the Engineering Area, published the book “Building Android Games with Cocos2d-x” in the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC). 

The book, from the publisher Packt Publishing (, is aimed at people interested in developing video games, with general knowledge of programming logic and the C ++ programming language.

Through a real exercise, which begins in the second chapter, the text teaches how to create the game Happy bunny using Cocos2d-x, an open-source multi-platform system (open source), which includes all the essential elements necessary for the creation of a video game. The reader explores the basic components of development, including how to manage audio, the physics of the game and how to monetize the game through advertising.

"Angry Birds, Flappy Bird, Cut the Rope, Doodle Jump, Stick Wars and Harbor Masters have earned millions of pesos in sales at Android app stores. What I teach in the book is how to achieve the same level of technology as these games. The idea and creativity of those who conceive it will depend if the videogame becomes the favorite pastime of millions of people, because the technology aspect will be covered, "explains Hernández.

The physical component of the game is an aspect that worries developers a lot to create a better user experience and the book teaches to create realistic movements and to dynamically simulate explosions, fire, rain and smoke, among other aspects of the environment. Cocos2d-x allows you to make structural improvements and add features such as glare or shadows.

The book aims to be a reference for some elective subjects of the Software Engineering and Systems Engineering careers, such as Mobile Application Development and Video Game Design and Development.

Rated as a "Great book for beginners and a good reference for experienced" among some of the reviews, the book is available in both as in the publishing house.

The opening ceremony was attended by Nylenis Nina, deputy dean of the Engineering Area, Erick Barinas, coordinator of the Systems Engineering career at INTEC and Willis Polanco, coordinator of the ITLA software development career, as well as students, friends and family from the author.