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393-809bdfb0 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Presidente de CEMEX dicta charla a estudiantes de INTEC


Publication date:

February 23 2012

President of CEMEX speaks to INTEC students

Santo Domingo. Before some 150 students and engineering professors of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), the President of CEMEX, Carlos González offered a conference on "Innovation in the Construction Industry", where he presented the new vision of the company.

González explained that the current approach makes Cemex not only a supplier of materials for construction but also a generator of integral solutions for the construction industry. He affirmed that the company is focused "on promoting the development of the country through the creation of innovative solutions for the construction that improve the quality of life of the people and contribute to close the gap of the existing housing deficit, which amounts to more than 500 thousand homes "

He shared some of the housing initiatives carried out by CEMEX in different communities, through the use of molds for the accelerated construction of high quality concrete structures, greater durability, energy saving and low cost.

In the area of ​​infrastructure, he presented some examples of concrete pavements and highlighted the advantages they offer, such as a longer life cycle, safety and fluidity to vehicles that travel and greater durability, since they require fewer repairs.

The words of welcome to the event were in charge of the Rector of the INTEC, Dr. Rolando M. Guzmán, who emphasized that according to the most recent statistical estimates, most of the growth of the economies is generated by the accumulation of greater knowledge and productive innovations , more than by the simple accumulation of physical capital or machinery. "INTEC is interested in studying the experiences of innovative companies, such as Cemex Dominicana, as a way to contribute to Dominican economic growth," said Guzmán.

The activity was carried out in the framework of INTECNOLOGÍA, an annual fair on entrepreneurship, innovation and technology, which was held from 23 to 25 in November on the campus. It is part of the initiatives contemplated in the cooperation agreement between INTEC and CEMEX, which has allowed outstanding students to work in the company's plants as a complement to the academic training they receive in the classrooms, in a program called Honor Internships.

The event was held in the Julio Ravelo Room of the CEMEX Fountain and the Deputy Minister of Public Works, Arch. Claudia Franchesca De los Santos, was present; directors of both entities such as Felix Chamorro and Jorge Rojas, Directors of Human Resources and Planning, respectively; and Julissa Almonte, Communication and Corporate Affairs Manager of CEMEX. For INTEC, Julio Sánchez and Leandra Tapia, Vice-Chancellors for Research and Academics, respectively; and Ailín Lockward, Director of Service Delivery; professors and related.

INTECNOLOGÍA is a fair aimed at students of the university where the projects carried out by the students during the whole school year are exposed. The program includes talks, conferences, workshops and panels on topics related to technology.