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CIE-74bdbc32 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Premian ganadores de los mejores Planes de Negocios INTEC 2012


Publication date:

29 November 2012

Winners of the best INTEC 2012 Business Plans are awarded

Santo Domingo. Three teams of students from Industrial Design and Mechatronics careers represent INTEC in the National Competition of Business Plans. The BIA, PROair and Copiloto projects were the winners of the first, second and third place, respectively, of the fourth competition of Business Plans that each year organizes the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center.

In addition to monetary awards, all will receive a certificate of participation and follow-up in the Pre-incubation Process at the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI-INTEC), in order to continue developing them until they are commercialized.

The BIA and Copilot projects went on to the National Competition for Business Plans, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT) among the different universities in the country.

"It is a pleasure to see how more and more students from different careers are integrated. On this occasion 52 students from almost all the races participated and most of the proposals were in the area of ​​technology, "said Anne Sophie Tejeda, director of the CEI.

The projects consist of:

First place: BIA. This project, presented by students of Industrial Design, consists of a product that allows children to move independently. An Extensible Articulated Stand-up (Orthosis), adaptable to infants between 8 and 14 years, with motor disability (cerebral palsy) without deformations in the lower extremities. A stabilizing, functional, ergonomic and protective equipment for the user, which will allow him to carry out his daily activities in the same way as a non-disabled person. It responds to the need of a group that has both motor and sensory limitations, which limit them from being independent.

Winners: Charlotte Severino Garó, Johanna Margarita César Santana, Janna Maciel Mazara Molina and Liselotte Del Carmen Tavarez Núñez.
Prize: RD $ 20,000.00

Second place: PROair Portable Belt with integrated air bag that serves as a resource to optimize safety in public transportation in the Dominican Republic. Industrial Design Team
Winners: Solandy Sánchez, Ninoska Vélez, Esteban Vela and Franchesca Lama.
Awards: RD $ 15,000.00

Third place: COPILOT Device that helps prevent traffic accidents due to drivers falling asleep by measuring brain waves. Mechatronics team.
Winners: Romer Quiñones and Gray Guzmán.
Prize: RD $ 10,000.00