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EditGomez%201-3d2dd5d3 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Book circulating about insurance risks


Publication date:

December 12 2018

They put to circulate book on risks in insurances

SANTO DOMINGO.- The civil engineer Edit Yulissa Perez Gomez put in circulation book "Operational risk in insurance entities: qualitative and actuarial models in Solvency II".

The author notes that the text is in focus in the necesidad de to implement a model based on risk in the insurance sector and importance de measure y manage el operational risk in the financial entities and payments.

The book has five chapters; the first one presents a general framework of everything concerning the risk, controlmanagement y corporate governance; the second, addresses the background, evolution, definition, the origin, typing and management of operational risk; the third shows the operational risk, its control and management within the insurance business; the fourth, exposes what refers to the Solvency II environment; and the fifth chapter addresses the different methodologies to quantify operational risk, requirements, strengths and limitations.

La presentation of the book was in charge of the teacher Leticia Martínez  Martinon, coordinator of the Specialty in Actuarial Calculation: Life and Pensions, taught by INTEC. The teacher made an exhaustive analysis of the text and recognized the intellectual capacity that Edit Yulissa Pérez Gómez possesses, who, according to her comments, has always shown a high command in her area.

The writing that was edited by the Spanish Academic Editorial is available on different electronic commerce portals such as Amazon, MoreBooks, and others.

It was put into circulation in the Radial Classroom of the Health Sciences Building of the INTEC Health Sciences Building. At the event, Pérez Gómez was accompanied by family and friends.

About the author

Edit Yulissa Perez is a civil engineering with masters in different branches: actuarial, finance, management y concession financingHe has more than twelve years of professional experience in data mining e business intelligence. In addition, since 2014, Pérez is responsible for the Management of Actuaries and Information of the Health Risks Administrator ARS Palic.