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Citizen participation and government actions: fundamental to have good care policies
SANTO DOMINGO. -Susan Lopezsociologist and Professor at the National University of La Plata, in Argentina, said that care policies are imposed as a need of societies, because their citizens begin to live longer years and for the woman insertion in the labor market.
Although Lopez said that in the region has advanced As for care policy, with certain peculiarities, there are forms that prevail which are imposed by International organizations.
During the tenth Conference of the Center for Gender Studies of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (CEG-INTEC), as regards the route that the Dominican Republic must take to have a good care policy, the Argentine sociologist understands as fundamental the actions of the government and the participation of the population to solve their needs.
In the conference "Health Care Policies in the framework of the new social protection: an analysis from the perspective of social medicine and collective health”, He stressed that international organizations begin to respond to this problem when the feminist movement initiated claims for different rights and the sexual division of labor became stronger.
“The orientation that each country assumes has to do with its own logics at certain times, and the international organizations condition depends on the trend they are leading and the countries in the worst situation are those that have indebtedness. That is, the more macro policies condition social policies within each of the countries. ”
The activity, which was held on November 13 and 14 in the INTEC Social Security auditorium, focused on the health as a fundamental human right, which has been pointed out as one of the spaces in which inequalities between women men are expressed.