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closing%20mathematics-845e49cb Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - More than 600 teachers are trained in Mathematics teaching


Publication date:

August 03 2012

More than 600 teachers are trained in the teaching of Mathematics

Santo Domingo. Under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, through the National Institute of Teacher Training and Training (INAFOCAM), the Center for Educational Studies of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), recently taught the “Diploma in Teaching Mathematics for teachers of 2do. Basic Education Cycle ”, through which more than 600 teachers from the Regional Education of San Cristóbal, Azua and Bahoruco were trained. 

The project had among its main objectives that the participants know and deepen the most important mathematical contents that they must teach, as well as the most pertinent strategies and resources to guide the construction of mathematical knowledge. Likewise, strategies were provided to allow them to organize a school environment that fosters quality learning.

In addition to the Saturday face-to-face workshops, the methodology of this diploma course combined independent study strategies, group work, virtual forums, and accompanying visits to the educational center for 30% of the participants. The program lasted 5 months, from February to June of the current year.

One of the results is that 10 training centers were installed between San Cristóbal, Cambita, Yaguate, Haina, Villa Altagracia, San Jose de Ocoa, Neyba, Duvergé, Tamayo and Jimaní, and in each of these a closing activity was carried out. at the close of the program, with the presence of local authorities of INAFOCAM and INTEC.

The participating teachers presented to the educational community the most significant learnings of the formative process, sharing innovative experiences in the teaching-learning of mathematics, of theoretical-practical works that guide the teaching practices of the second cycle of the basic level, supported by updated approaches. Likewise, reflections were made on the topics developed in the course, the main contributions of the training process were analyzed and the learning resources developed during the program were presented.

The university confirms its vocation to contribute to national development through its training programs that, like this one, have a direct impact on the national education system.