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PIES.JPG-1-e0c9472d Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Mary Fernández: recibir una beca PIES cambiará sus vidas


Publication date:

02 October 2019

Mary Fernández: receiving a PIES scholarship will change their lives

SANTO DOMINGO. - "Be patient, persevering, optimistic and tolerant, but above all integrity, because you can not reach the end of the ladder of life without respecting others," was the exhortation of the prominent lawyer Mary Fernandez, to the 46 jóvenes what did you recieve scholarships by INTEC Program with Outstanding Students (FEET).

La past president for the Board of Regents of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) was the guest speaker al act of recognition to Young National Talents 2019, program that in 32 years of operation has granted scholarships a 1,736 outstanding young people from Dominican Republic.

Fernández, stressed that “if we see life as a ladder, this is only one of the first steps. The ladder of life may seem very high with multiple obstacles, many times they will get tired of climbing, they will stop and think about returning, but the important thing will always be to continue ”.

For Fernández, the university is not only benefiting young people with the exoneration of the tuition fees, but it also offers them the possibility of changing their lives when they enter an academy whose strategic guidelines are very oriented to transforming learning, obtaining organizational capabilities, being Innovators and entrepreneurs.  

“Use that opportunity to develop your potentials, also look at yourself as a diamond in the rough and the university as the instrument and tools that will allow you to get the glow inside of you; because they have all the future ahead, but they must take full advantage of the present, ”he pondered.

While, Víctor Gómez-Valenzuela, Vice Chancellor of Research and Liaison of INTEC, stressed that 46 young people recognized represent the best product of the Dominican Republic education system. "You as of today are part of a legacy of 32 unique generations, of leaders who have transformed and continue to transform this country."

“You are the most concrete way in which INTEC fulfills the fundamental mission of social transformation, through quality education, and you make us proud because that relationship that begins today will accompany you for the rest of your days,” said Gomez. -Valenzuela.

The Vice Chancellor emphasized that students in addition to making a college career, in the INTEC rather they have come to develop your potential, to demonstrate the matter that they are made and that are capable of achieving great challenges.

He stressed that the employability rate of the graduates of INTEC it's from a 95% in the first year, which shows that all that sacrifice and effort quarter after quarter is rewarded at the end of the day, and indicated that recently a business reputation study rated INTEC as the most prestigious Dominican institution of higher education, a legacy that now rests with the feet.

In this 32 round of the Program were received 950 requests, of which they were 410 students evaluated. Of these, 50 qualified and 46 were recognized, who by their determination, effort and perseverance managed to obtain outstanding grades during their baccalaureate and are now part of the Hive.

Marianny Lisbeth Matos Hidalgo, the Polytechnic Institute Loyolafrom San Cristóbal, he obtained the highest rating of the fellows coming from lyceums; Aimée Rachelle Durán Lapaix, the María de la Altagracia Polytechnic stayed in second place, and José Gabriel Barreiro, the Don Bosco School got the tercer place.

PIES2019 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Mary Fernández: recibir una beca PIES cambiará sus vidas

Meanwhile, the highest score of colleges he reached her Isabela María Vargas Frías, the San Judas Tadeo School; In second place Lisa Raquel Solano Morfe, the New School College, as well as the third place Marilexis Paulino Cepeda, the Cardinal Sancha College, all of Santo Domingo.

The motivational speech of the 2018 fellows was in charge of Omar Andújar and Shamelle López, of the Mathematical careers with a concentration in Statistics and Actuarial Sciences and Medicine, respectively. "From now on it begins a path of challenges, which requires work, dedication, responsibility and effort, and only with these elements can the best results be obtained," said Andújar.

Meanwhile, López stressed that "excellence is never an accident, it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution that presents the wise lesson of many alternatives."

About FEET

It is a program through which outstanding high school graduates from public and private educational centers across the country are identified and selected, and they are given the opportunity to study a career at INTEC with a full or partial scholarship granted by the university with funds own and the support of companies, institutions and people determined to support quality Dominican education.