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ForoEstudiantes3-75f4a780 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Los estudiantes han sido escuchados


Publication date:

15 November 2017

The students have been heard

ANTO DOMINGO.- It was the Wednesday November 8, the clock marked the 6: 30 in the afternoon when the Economy student Manuel Mendez, who represents his teammates before him Strategic Committee responsible for defining the analysis and decision-making methodology of the Institutional Strategic Plan 2018-2022, gave the words of welcome to the students who gathered at the First Student Forum.

With the commitment of be honest y do not self-censor, the students of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) they had a frank conversation y communication with Alfredo Vicioso, Director of Planning and Quality of the university, and Armando Barrios, Director of the Center for Governance and Social Management.

"You are the center of this new Strategic Plan, we aspire that for you being at INTEC is a life experience," said Vicioso, who explained that what is sought is to add value to the academic training of future professionals.

AlfredoVicioso-ArmandoBarrios Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Los estudiantes han sido escuchados

The call is part of the consultations that are organized in the university with a view to the design of the Strategic Plan 2022, which has also included calls for consultation with professors, employees, graduates, authorities, national and foreign experts in higher education, among other personalities, so that the strategy is as participatory as possible.

Student contributions

The first to break the ice was the master's student Miguel Pena. "I recommend that, as INTEC it's an excellent university, it replica at provinces, especially Bonao and La Vega, because we need a higher quality education in those places. You have a golden opportunity to enter there ”, he said.

Referring to the issue, engineer Alfredo Vicioso pointed out that one of the objectives foreseen in the Strategic plan is expansion, to which Dr. Barrios added that there is an axis relative to the virtualization, which is considered to be in the format of virtual classroom de various subjects so that there is the possibility of students from the provinces and even foreigners entering the INTEC, if they meet the entrance requirements of the university.

Medical Students recommended that a monitoring system in which the students with greater mastery of some subjects can accompany your companions in the overcoming of some weaknesses that prevent them from fulfilling the requirements of those subjects.

ForoEstudiantes2 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Los estudiantes han sido escuchados

El Student Committee of Software Engineering, Systems and Cybersecurity (CEISS) sent a representative who spoke for everyone. Their contributions to the new Strategic Plan were related to the need to offer students more information according to the participación across student committees so that these are seen as a contribution to the career they are studying and not as a heavy burden; that students and professors be notified about possible changes in the subjects and that the students of that career be further linked with companies in the area to improve practical aspects.

For the students of Area of ​​Economy and Business a student of the Accounting career took the floor who demanded more practical subjects They face the reality they will have to face when looking for jobs. He valued internship programs, but insisted that it is necessary to encourage practice at all times.

Ana Leonor Castillo Ramirez, student of the Bachelor of Education, recommended that a methodology for teaching based on the competencies approach, to ensure that the student is evaluated throughout his term based on his performance in classes and not by exams.

Buenas noticias

Alfredo Vicioso, Director of Planning and Quality, mentioned among the improvements that INTEC will implement to impact the student's stay at the university: opening a foodcourt, construction a building de Engineering that will have among its attractions a gym y multipurpose court. Also, next year students will be able to download a aplicación móvil available for Android and IOS that will allow you to pay the registration, request a record of notes and other services.