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376-da0123c3 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Lanzan Premio Nacional a la Producción más Limpia


Publication date:

13 October 2011

National Award for Cleaner Production Launched

Santo Domingo. In order to recognize the work carried out by Dominican companies, institutions or any type of organization that carries out a productive and / or service activity and demonstrates that it has implemented a strategy that allows it to improve its environmental performance and global competitiveness, it was launched the National Award for Cleaner Production.

The launch of this Award is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the National Competitiveness Council, the USAID Program for Environmental Protection and the National Network of Business Support for Protection Environmental (RENAEPA).

The Award is national in nature and any type of business organization or public, private or non-profit institution that has implemented a Cleaner Production program can participate.

The institutions involved in carrying out the Prize intend for it to become a vehicle for promoting initiatives and innovations that have proven to be economically, technically and environmentally sustainable.

It also aspires to turn the award into a market incentive, so it is not intended to indicate a "better" company or technology, rather it is aimed at presenting replicable successful experiences, recognizing and encouraging companies that apply them. and promote that intermediate and final consumers demand products and services that contribute to national sustainable development.

Likewise, it seeks to contribute to the competitive positioning of Dominican companies in the national, regional and international market in face of the demands imposed by sustainable development and free trade agreements, directly and indirectly influence the environmental performance of companies and support the initiatives of loyal promotion of products and services that apply cleaner production in their processes.

The event was chaired by the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Eng. Ernesto Reyna, accompanied at the main table by the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Manuel García Arévalo, USAID's Economic Policy Advisor, Duty Greene, Roberto Herrera, President of RENAEPA, Laura del Castillo, Deputy Director of the National Competitiveness Council, the Vice Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources, Zoila Gonzalez, and the Manager of the USAID Program for Environmental Protection, Dr. José Contreras.

The categories of the National Prize for Cleaner Production are:


Materials: includes all those projects focused on ecodesign techniques, reduction of materials and / or waste, optimization of production processes, recycling and solid waste management.

Water: includes all those projects focused on techniques to reduce water consumption, reuse and / or recycling of water currents, reduction of effluents and effluent pollutant load.

Energy: Includes all those projects focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Management system: Companies that have environmental management systems that show a better environmental performance in at least two of the aforementioned categories.

Benefits granted by the prize

Acknowledgment of Implementation will be given to all institutions and / or companies that the Technical Evaluation Committee has verified the implementation of CP projects regardless of whether they are benefited with the prize of the first places.

Likewise, the private and state companies that won the first place will go directly to opt for the Regional Prize of P + L that is celebrated every 2 years. Meanwhile, the companies, public and private institutions, nonprofit winners of the first place will be awarded a plaque, in addition to recognition.