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Lab-ISO-4a29f4a8 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Laboratorio de Servicios Analíticos y Ambientales obtiene recertificación


Publication date:

February 28 2019

Laboratory of Analytical and Environmental Services obtains recertification

SANTO DOMINGO. The Laboratory of Analytical and Environmental Services of the Area of ​​Basic and Environmental Sciences of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) received a recertification Of the organism Bureau Veritas their quality processes, under the ISO 9001 standard: 2015.

The report of the certifier, affiliated to the Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), indicates that the evaluators found zero non-conformities for the services of chemical physical analysis for a government-protected, water y soil y technical support to research projects. and the industry.

Adriana Rojas, responsible for the laboratory, explained that the recertification is a reason de pride Well, confirm the satisfaction their love Lóleo with the service received, and it is a guarantee that the highest quality standards will be maintained in the processes.

The recertification was preceded by the one corresponding to the ISO 9001: 2008 standard, first received by the laboratory, and which was granted in August of the 2015 year.

The Laboratory of Analytical and Environmental Services of INTEC provides quality studies of water, air and soil, which include physical-chemical analysis, and identification of organic compounds. Similarly, the laboratory provides support to teaching, particularly to the bachelor's degrees in chemistry with orientation to secondary education, and in biotechnology offered by the university.