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CampusINTEC-1-58ffbeab Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Labor del INTEC repercute en la sociedad dominicana


Publication date:

January 30 2018

INTEC's work has repercussions on Dominican society

SANTO DOMINGO. In the past 12 months la contribution of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) to the Dominican society was evident in different areas ranging from economy, el construction sector, literature, el the environment, health, technology, gender policies and Education. The media reported information regarding INTEC in a total of 1,129 occasions, both in the printed format as in in digital.

 Next, we share the 10 institutional news de greater reach in the media over the past year.

INTEC scientists manufacture batteries that are less harmful to the environment

Melvin_Arias Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC's work has repercussions on Dominican society

Dr. Melvin Arias, in charge of research and the Nanotechnologies laboratory.

The world increasingly concerned about the effects of climate change wait for innovations allowing protect el environment. That is why the press offered extensive coverage of the announcement by experts from the Nanotechnology Laboratory made nanostructures de rechargeable lithium ion batteries, what are you offering higher levels de efficiency and capacity than those created by other methods more commonly used in the market, and that at the same time are less harmful al the environment.

Twelve female engineers stand out among the highest INTEC graduation rates

Superingenieras Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Labor del INTEC repercute en la sociedad dominicana

In the graduación de April 2017 our university awarded degrees to 736 new professionals de degree y postgraduate. Within this promotion, a group of 12 engineers who reached the highest rates of the races of Civil Engineering, Electrical, Industrial and System, a story that earned them the covers of several national newspapers.

INTEC students recommend applying controls to construction rods

An investigation of graduation project of students of Civil Engineering recommended to the authorities apply controls de quality traditional exhaustive at rods de construction that are marketed in the country, after identifying that some do not meet the minimum standards established. The results provoked extensive discussion, which led researchers and consultants to participate in various radio and television programs.

INTEC and ADOZONA will promote training for the medical and pharmaceutical device industry

The university joined the Dominican Association of Free Zones to start new elective subjects in his career Industrial engineer, and additionally a bachelor's degree in medical devices, as well as new postgraduate programs, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the Medical and Pharmaceutical Devices, one of the main export lines of the country.

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Luis Manuel Torres, Rolando M. Guzmán, Luisa Fernández, Arturo del Villar, José Manuel Contreras, Plácido Gómez.

Inauguration of new postgraduate buildings

At the beginning of February 2017 our campus grew with the inauguration of two new buildingsThat of Postgraduate Courses, which bears the name of one of its founders y past rector, Eduardo Latorre, Y de Health Sciences, in honor of the outstanding maestra e academic researcher, Ana Mercedes Henriquez.

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 The building handover ceremony was led by the Minister of Education, Andrés Navarro; the rector of the academy, Dr. Rolando M. Guzmán, and the president of the Board of Regents, Mary Fernández.

They warn Trump's policies would have immediate effects in the Dominican Republic

During the Fifth Business Forum "The Trump administration, a change in politics and international trade?" that organized our Area of ​​Economy and Business, several experts warned that policies of the United States's president would have effects concrete and immediate Dominican economy especially in the , amount of debt with that country and remittances.

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Roberto Álvarez, Franklin Vásquez, Emilio Pantojas, Ivan Ogando and Pavel Isa.

Experts raise mixed system for pension fund.

Another of the news that emerged at INTEC, which made the headlines of the country's main newspapers, was the recommendation which economists, abogados, trade unionists y public workers, who actively participated in the debates of the Dialogue for Action (DIA) "Social security: necessary reforms", modify el Pension System. In that sense, they proposed a mixed system where the State guarantees the pension a all workers, and the quotes in the Pension Fund Insurers (AFP) is optional.

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The meeting brought together Economists, lawyers, trade unionists and public officials.

INTEC recognizes its outstanding graduates

Every year the recognition of the trajectory of the graduates of the hive is a social event of great importance, due to the impact that the winners have on their professional work. The doctor Rafael Antonio Fonseca García, industrial engineers Katherine Motyka De Leon y Magín Javier Díaz Domingo, and economists Alexis Vidal Cruz, José Luis De Ramón, Esther Hernandez Medina y Miosotis Rivas Pena, these last two with Master in Gender and Development of INTEC received the Outstanding Alumnus Award of the INTEC the past 2017.

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With the delivery of 2017, the graduates recognized by the university are promoted to 73.

Experts warn country may fall into a tax trap.

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The analysis of the INTEC economists once again led the university to set the trend in the economics discussion a national level. With the delivery of Fourth Report on the Dominican Economy in which the teachers of the Area of ​​Economy and Business warned that if the Government continues loan race y debt issuance that has led up to now, in the medium term country will enter a "dead end and dark".

INTEC joins the Dominican Clean Plan.

The students of the Master's in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering from INTEC carry out characterization studies of solid waste in 50 municipalities of the country, as part of Clean Dominican Plan announced by the Presidency of the Republic. Only in their first year, teachers will complete the characterization of 17 of the 50 municipalities that are part of the Plan, and have the supervision and accompaniment of the Dominican National Brewery.

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INTEC students assume a leading role in this important initiative, together with the Directorate of Special Programs of the Presidency (DIGEPEP), the Ministries of Education and the Environment and Natural Resources, the Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU), the Brewery Nacional Dominicana, the Dominican Municipal League, the Dominican Federation of Municipal Districts (FEDODIM) and the Atabey Innovation Center.