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339-5a4a46ce Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Inteciana es reconocida con el Premio a la Excelencia Académica de Fundación Brugal


Publication date:

July 14 2011

Inteciana is recognized with the Brugal Foundation Award for Academic Excellence

Santo Domingo.- The Brugal Foundation recently held the third award of the Academic Excellence Award, through which it recognizes its university scholarship holders who have achieved the three best indexes accumulated during their studies.

INTEC's industrial engineering student, Katherine Motyka De León, was one of the winners on this occasion, for maintaining an academic index of 3.78.

The award, which encourages and rewards the effort and dedication of students, is part of the scholarship program developed by the Brugal Foundation in different regions of the country with the Brugal Fund for Education and Research.

The president of the foundation, Franklin Báez Brugal, stated that this initiative responds to the conviction that Education is the most important priority of the Dominican Republic and stated that the country has the duty and urgency to better educate future generations.

 "Only in this way will we achieve the development and well-being that Dominicans deserve. The nations that prosper the most are those that invest the most in education. That is why in the Brugal Foundation we do everything in our power to support the best students, "said Báez Brugal.

In addition to Motyka De León, students were also recognized Jannela Ceballos and Karl John Ogando, of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM).