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Publication date:

January 13 2020

INTEC and World Vision in alliance for Dominican children

SANTO DOMINGO. -The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) and World Vision they signed a collaboration alliance, By which academy students of higher education they will carry out professional practices to toast humanitarian aid and boost development of the children in vulnerable situations.

This training complement will involve the direct application of students' knowledge and skills in the different areas of activity, the development of skills necessary for their future professional management and the acquisition of computer and technical tools to apply to the knowledge acquired in INTEC .

The collaboration agreement, which was signed by Rolando M. Guzmán, rector of INTEC, and by Juan Carlo Ramírez, national director of World Vision Dominican Republic, contemplates that the selected students will work for at least one quarter, and can be renewed for up to a period total maximum of one year.

During the act, the rector of INTEC said he was grateful for the formalization of an agreement that now takes the form of internships, but which he hopes will be extended to other areas, since both institutions have ends in common. 

“You as a non-governmental organization have a social mission, which you have carried out for a long time in the Dominican Republic and for many decades in the world, and we as an educational institution have the mission of contributing to improve people's living conditions, so each one from their perspective we have that pipeline in common, ”said Guzmán.

While, Juan Carlo Ramírez, pondered that the organization who runs has more than 70 years working globally and 30 years in the Dominican Republic, where he does advocacy work for child protection y improvement of educational qualitythrough community programs focused on contributing to the social development both in children, teenagers and young people.

“The academy is a strategic partner to show the social process and be part of joint research. We have impacted more than 150,000 children directly with education programs, but we only know that and there is no one to endorse it or an entity that can use this for the benefit of society, ”said Juan Carlo Ramírez.

In the act, were also present by INTEC, Dalul Ordehi, Director of Student Services; Ailín Lockward, executive director of Institutional Relations, and Adolfo Julián, in charge of the Internship Program. Meanwhile, World Vision was attended by Angie Jiménez, National Education Advisor; Patria Rodríguez, National Coordinator of Leadership and Participation and Elicaury Bautista, Director of People and Culture.

World Vision in Dominican Republic

The non-governmental organization has developed 12 local projects called Area Development Programs (PDA) in different provinces of the Dominican Republic, through which they are executed projects in the communities, focused on improving the quality of life of children, who are guided by education, health and leadership programs so that they learn to develop their own projects.

The national director of World Vision in the Dominican Republic commented that they are currently focused on working on educational quality, especially in primary schools, where there are indicators that are a little more complex and, in addition, in the child protection system, either in terms of networks government establishments or in the care of the family. He cited, for example, the program Crianza con Tennura, which seeks for parents to improve the parenting style of their children.

On how to make the solidarity of the Dominicans concrete through their channels, Juan Carlo Ramírez highlighted that they develop studies and surveys that validate the indicators of protection and educational quality and taking this as inputs invite people to see what the situation is of the child and how resources are invested.