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398-aa90e35b Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC y UCATEBA ofrecen maestría en Alta Gerencia para la región Sur del país


Publication date:

February 23 2012

INTEC and UCATEBA offer a Master's Degree in Senior Management for the Southern region of the country

Barahona, RD. El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) and the Barahona Catholic Technological University (UCATEBA) join efforts and resources to carry out projects and activities of mutual interest, among which the Master's Degree in Senior Management is taught at the UCATEBA campus.

This agreement, signed by the rectors of both institutions, Dr. Rolando M. Guzmán, of INTEC and the Reverend Padre Secilio Espinal, of UCATEBA, is a framework agreement to seal an alliance that will continue initiatives such as the first special round for the province of Barahona, where 20 professionals are currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Senior Management since May 2011, with all the INTEC philosophy and methodology on the UCATEBA campus.

The objective is to strengthen management skills and promote the professional growth of managers and teachers in the South region, with Barahona as a center.

The High Management program enables its participants to play a leading role in the management of companies and to influence the development of the country, through the knowledge and values ​​required by today's corporate scenario: competitive, globalized and innovative.

The program will be coordinated by the Dean of Business of INTEC, Dr. Diómedes Christopher, and by the Academic Vice Chancellor of UCATEBA, Dr. Argentina Cuevas, who will also oversee the development of work programs, which have the support of groups of researchers , experts and specialists.

The agreement was signed in Barahona, on Saturday 3 of December, at the facilities of UCATEBA.

The same, was attended by the INTEC of Alba Henríquez, Deputy Dean of the Business Area and professors Víctor Feliz and Luis Torres.