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INTEC%20y%20PMI%20formalizan%20su%20relacion-2e9a808f Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC and Project Management Institute "formalize their relationship"


Publication date:

July 04 2023

INTEC and Project Management Institute "formalize their relationship"

SANTO DOMINGO. - The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) and the Dominican Republic Chapter of the Project Management Institute signed a mutual collaboration agreement that contemplates the development of academic activities, including teaching, research, training, dissemination of culture and extension of services in all areas of reciprocal interest, "with a view to achieving their goals and the rational use of its resources”, according to the document.

The rector of INTEC, Julio Sánchez Maríñez, highlighted the importance of project management within all professional careers and motivated its incorporation in all academic areas. “If we project ourselves as the technological one in the Dominican Republic, each one of the careers must incorporate the dimension of projects”, he affirmed.

After joking with the "placement of the engagement ring" between the institutions, the president of PMI RD, Silvia Basilis, stated that the agreement will contribute to "maintaining the relationship" that both entities have been developing for years. "Projects are dreams that are planned, executed and closed," she concluded in her speech.

The Dominican Republic Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI) is an organization dedicated to promoting and developing project management in the country. As part of PMI's global network, the Chapter offers a platform for project management professionals to connect, share knowledge and improve their skills.

The Chapter organizes educational events, conferences, seminars, and workshops to provide learning and professional development opportunities for its members. In addition, it encourages the exchange of ideas and good practices in project management, as well as the establishment of contact networks between professionals in the sector.

On behalf of INTEC attended Arturo Del Villar, Academic Vice Chancellor; the dean of the Engineering Area, Cayetano Rodriguez; the dean of the Area of ​​Economy and Business, Manuel Peña, and Juan Sontang, Head of the Department of Institutional Relations and Alumni.

They were accompanied by Anny Sosa, Director of Institutional Relations, and Jorge Miranda, Academic Coordinator of the Engineering Area. Along with Silvia Basilis was Heidy Capellán, general secretary of PMI RD and Hadit Brito, director of PMI agreements.