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Chain%20of%20supply-c6034482 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC and PMA impart the first diploma in Humanitarian Supply Chain


Publication date:

08 September 2020

INTEC and PMA impart the first diploma in Humanitarian Supply Chain

SANTO DOMINGO. -The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo and United Nations World Food Program, develop the first Diploma in Humanitarian Supply Chain, with the aim of promoting the development of a supply chain that guarantees a rapid and effective response to unforeseeable emergency situations such as natural disasters and those caused by human activity.

With the increase in frequency of climatic phenomena, man-made disasters and the current context of the epidemiological crisis caused by COVID-19, organizations focused on emergency response face challenges due to the limited number of supply chain experts. available, along with a lack of up-to-date computer systems. However, a bottleneck in the supply chain has an impact on the effectiveness of emergency response and the organization's ability to save lives.

The goal of the virtual modality diploma is to strengthen the capacities of the staff of public institutions and civil society organizations responsible for emergency response, to offer quality humanitarian aid through a better knowledge of the supply chain humanitarian assistance.

The study plan, which began in September, includes the development of virtual teaching with webinars and hours of reading and research, distributed each week according to the module. During the development of the program, the deployment of one project per participant is contemplated for the practical application of the knowledge acquired. 

Thanks to the collaboration agreement signed in 2019 between the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo and the World Food Program, entities will continue to promote the design and implementation of public policies to improve food safety and nutrition, supply chain management, logistics, development practices in emergency situations, curriculum development. and knowledge management.

These actions are part of the project Strengthening the Emergency Preparedness and Response Capacity of the Dominican Republic, with funding from the United States Office of Humanitarian Assistance (USAID / BHA). This project focuses on ensuring that the population of the Dominican Republic benefits from a faster and more efficient response to emergencies with strengthened and articulated capacities of emergency preparedness and response actors, social protection to guarantee the food and nutritional security of vulnerable people impacted by climatic events.