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IMG_7021-a957cf04 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC y FLACSO renuevan alianza estratégica


Publication date:

27 November 2013

INTEC and FLACSO renew strategic alliance

SANTO DOMINGO. The Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) and Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) renewed the strategic alliance that they have maintained for several years, by signing a collaboration framework agreement.

Doctors César Cuello Nieto, director of FLACSO and Rolando M. Guzmán, rector of INTEC, signed the agreement with which both entities commit themselves to create a permanent discussion space on the field of Social Sciences and the Dominican social reality, aimed at the presentation of proposals.

The agreement also provides for the completion of courses, specialties, masters and doctorates jointly. In that aspect, the document specifies that FLACSO has around 15 doctorate programs that it could offer together with INTEC.

IMG_7018 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC and FLACSO renew strategic alliance

The institutions also commit themselves to organize at least one annual seminar on Dominican social reality and on Public Policies; library and publications exchanges; joint investigations; sponsor publications of topics of interest to both parties and collaborate on the use of physical spaces such as classrooms and auditoriums.

"This firm represents a formality for us, since for several years we have maintained a permanent collaboration with FLACSO that we intend to continue," said the rector of INTEC.

Similarly, Dr. Cuello Nieto valued the affinity in the work they have both entities and that he said is expressed in the fact that they share several of their teachers. He also cited the accomplishment of other successful academic programs in a joint manner, such as the Diploma in Management and Prevention of Disaster Risks.

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At the meeting, Cuello Nieto revealed that soon FLACSO will have greater capacity to receive a large number of students, since it will move its headquarters to the premises of the former School Institute in the sector of Gazcue, located a few meters from its current headquarters.

The act of signing was held in the Hall of the Rectory, and also attended by the Vice-Rector for Research and Liaison, Indhira De Jesús; the executive director of Research, Andrea Paz; the one in charge of Interinstitutional Relations, Patricia Portela and the Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities, Migdalia Martínez. The director of FLACSO went with the company responsible for dissemination of that entity, Mireya Castillo.