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IBII-INTEC-0cf22e23 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC y el IIBI fortalecerán la investigación científica en el campo de la biotecnología


Publication date:

February 26 2019

INTEC and IIBI will strengthen scientific research in the field of biotechnology

SANTO DOMINGO. -The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) and the Institute of Innovation in Biotechnology and Industry (IIBI), will execute and will coordinate together projects y activities with the objective of develop la initial and continuous e research projects. in the area of biotechnology.

This is stipulated by a cooperation agreement interinstitutional subscribed by rector of the INTEC, Rolando M. Guzmán, and the director of the IIBI, Agripina Ramírez, held in the meeting room of the rectory of the academic institution.

The agreement specifies that institutions will promote la mutual collaboration through technical assistance and the exchange of the scientific and technological knowledge. Also, contemplate that staff of the IIBI receive scholarships to continue studies de post-grade y masters in the INTEC.

Furthermore, the INTEC will receive the financial in the initial and continuous of the students and faculty, through a internship program, scholarships, congresses y seminars.

El rector of INTEC expressed its satisfaction with the alianza y guaranteed that, within the limits of the cooperation agreement, the academic sphere commits to offer whole logistical support and infrastructure for execution of the activities established.

"With this agreement, we formalized a work we have been doing together with a view to strengthening the training of our professionals who will contribute their knowledge to the development of the country," said Guzmán.

Meanwhile, the director of the IIBI thanked the trust given to the institution. "We are in the best moment, since this agreement is aligned with the declaration of the 2019, Year of Innovation and Competitiveness," said Ramírez.

Both parties committed themselves in execute activities together in benefit for the biotechnology for the Dominican Republic; as well as join efforts for conceptualization, management y development de innovation projects y technological development with national and international funding sources.

On your part, INTEC will support al IIBI in the strengthening of the links that this entity has established with its national and international strategic partners.

Meanwhile, the IIBI must guarantee an agile, efficient and transparent management of the coordination, training and technical cooperation activities and activities, which are defined by mutual agreement between the parties.

For the IIBI, the Services Coordinator, Alejandro Tabar, was present at the activity; from the Department of Law, Fiordaliza Rosa and Mariení Matos; and the person in charge of Public Relations, Diana Rodríguez. While INTEC attended the vice-rector of Research and Linking, Víctor Gómez Valenzuela; Leticia Mendoza, dean of the Area of ​​Basic and Environmental Sciences; Ailin Lockward, director of Institutional Relations and Luis Enrique Rodríguez De Francisco, coordinator of the degree in Biotechnology at INTEC.