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345-48099a69 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC suspende docencia y labores por tormenta Emily


Publication date:

August 03 2011

INTEC suspends teaching and labors due to storm Emily

Santo Domingo.- El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) reports that, due to the forecasts of the progress of Tropical Storm Emily, teaching and administrative work is suspended from the 1: 00 pm of this Wednesday, August 3. Activities will resume from 9: 00 am on Thursday, 4 August, if the situation allows.

A commission of the Academic Council follows up the bulletins of the competent national organizations, such as the National Office of Meteorology and the Emergency Operations Center (COE), to monitor the progress of the storm and the alerts.

The National Meteorological Office maintains the Tropical Storm warning for the entire coastal perimeter, from the Bay of Manzanillo to Cabo Engaño and from Cabo Engaño to Pedernales.

For Santo Domingo and its municipalities cloud increases are forecast with downpours, electrical storms and gusts of winds.

The Communications Department of INTEC will keep the academic and administrative community informed through the channels enabled on social networks (Facebook and Twitter) about any variation in these decisions.