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INTEC-16-7267c089 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC señalado como instituto líder del país en informe internacional


Publication date:

January 12 2024

INTEC designated as the country's leading institute in an international report

SANTO DOMINGO. An international report from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) cites the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) as the country's leading institute, and highlighted its offer in the area of ​​engineering, citing examples of the capabilities available nationally for foreign investments.

The report titled “Executive Summary of ATP/PCB Semiconductors of the Dominican Republic” maintains that INTEC offers extensive courses (careers) in fields such as electrical and mechanical engineering, part of its offer of 29 engineering programs.

It indicates that the country “possesses a strong technical education training infrastructure and has demonstrated the capacity to support a high-tech electronics industry, manufacturing industry and possesses the necessary ecosystem assets: physical and digital infrastructure, technical education institutions to support a strong trained labor in microelectronics, regulatory environment, etc. necessary to support their aspirations to compete in ATP and PCB semiconductor manufacturing.”

The group of experts in public policies, technology and innovation that make up the TIFF, an organization based in Washington, recommended that investors look primarily towards the Dominican Republic, after listing the country's potential in different aspects.

It highlights economic growth, production costs, geographical position and connectivity, clean energy, “Zero Bureaucracy” program and trained workforce, the latter factor in which it cites INTEC, as well as the National Institute of Professional Technical Training (Infotep) and the Technological Institute of the Americas (ITLA).