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INTEC-6-45ca63e4 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC se ofrece como espacio de diálogo para un pacto fiscal


Publication date:

21 October 2024

INTEC offers itself as a space for dialogue for a fiscal pact

In a statement sent to the media, the rector of that university, Julio Sánchez Maríñez, said that it remains crucial to move towards a fiscal pact that harmonizes wills in relation to the magnitude, destination and quality of public spending, as well as its financing through an equitable tax system.

SANTO DOMINGO. - El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) reiterated its commitment to serve as a space for exchange, debate and agreement on proposals with the aim of being incorporated into a fiscal pact, in accordance with the provisions of the National Development Strategy.

In response to the recent withdrawal of the “Fiscal Modernization” project by the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, INTEC values ​​his decision as a sign of openness and willingness to listen to the various actors in the country. After this measure, the institution recognizes that it remains crucial to move towards a fiscal pact that harmonizes wills in relation to the magnitude, destination and quality of public spending, as well as its financing through an equitable tax system.

INTEC: A space for plural and non-partisan dialogue

INTEC's rector, Julio Sánchez Maríñez, stressed that, in its historic role as a university, the institution once again offers itself as a space for exchange, debate and agreement in which proposals can be presented and discussed in search of consensus. Proposals that must prioritize the quality of public spending, aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens and supporting the inclusive, competitive and sustainable development of the country.

“The academic community of INTEC is prepared to receive the various actors interested in formulating their proposals and to participate actively, always “in a framework of plurality, non-partisanship, rationality and argumentation based on evidence,” the rector said in a statement. In addition, he stressed the importance of addressing major national issues with a vision of consensus, prioritizing the present and future well-being of the Dominican Republic.

A fiscal pact for a sustainable future

INTEC's call emphasizes that the fiscal pact should be oriented not only towards economic growth, but also towards the comprehensive well-being of Dominican society, with investments that promote inclusive, competitive and sustainable development. The declaration emphasizes that the country deserves a serious and consensual discussion on the proper use of public resources, which guarantees a better future for future generations.

In this way, INTEC reaffirms itself as an actor committed to promoting collaborative solutions to national challenges, contributing from its role as a university that is “constructively associated, although academically independent.”

Full text of the statement


Following the withdrawal of the “Fiscal Modernization” project by the President of the Republic, in a prudent act of openness and listening, from the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) understands that there is still a need, as provided for in the National Development Strategy, for a fiscal pact that unites the country's wills regarding public spending, its magnitude, destinations and quality, and its financing through taxation with the cooperation of all.

For this reason, at INTEC, we offer ourselves, as usual, to serve as a space for exchange, debate and agreement on proposals, in search of agreements with the vocation of being incorporated into a fiscal pact at the appropriate time and place. A fiscal pact that privileges the quality of public spending and its effective orientation towards improving the quality of life of the population and the investment that supports our inclusive, competitive and sustainable development.

The members of our academic community will reiterate their willingness to welcome interested parties with their proposals and to participate to the extent of their abilities and based on their specialties, always within a framework of plurality, non-partisanship, rationality and argumentation based on evidence, practicing our definition of being a constructively associated university, although academically independent.

Our country, for its present and, even more so, for its future, deserves that we address, with a vocation for consensus, the major issues that require major decisions to continue the path of growth and, above all, of development that benefits everyone.