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intec-salud-20160921-bb2bdbce Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC-Salud, tres días dedicados al corazón


Publication date:

21 September 2016

INTEC-Salud, three days dedicated to the heart

SANTO DOMINGO. - The cardiovascular diseases are main cause de death in the country, this is why the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) made the 14 to the 16 in September "INTEC-Health" focused on cardiovascular risks.

The activity started on Wednesday 14, at 10: 00 in the morning, with a hike led by the renowned sports coach Carolina Leiva, which started from the Main Square of INTEC and in which the entire campus was toured. During these three days, educational talks y physical activities, which included yoga, with Space Swasthya; crossfit in charge of Miguel Tejada and Carlos Crispin, zumba, with Golds Gym y boxing and kickboxing with the coach Patrizia Cordero

Likewise, personal trainers Sócrates Alba and Puro Suarez they gave tips Of how add pounds with the use de nutritional supplements. Meanwhile, communicators Yara González, producer of the radio program "The Government of Women", Raul Grisanti son, featured announcer, and José Luis Martínez They gave the talk "How to make positive changes in lifestyle?".

The event included days of ophthalmologic evaluation by Incocegla; Lab-INTEC He offered his services blood typing and analytics glycemia y hemogram. Testing was also carried out evaluation de colon cancer with the Helicobater Pylori Diagnostic Center y body scale through Shop. In the same way, an operation of blood donation in coordination with Reference laboratories.

Dr. Diana Ramírez explained the importance of voluntary blood donation and its counterpart, Scarllen Pérez he made a day on cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 

In the activity that attracted the internal and external public, the psychologist Leonardo Valeirón dictated an interesting talk about how to have a healthy life and the doctor Mikel Liñero Fariñas presented 10 data that every person should know about cardiac arrhythmias

On Friday 16 the personal coach, Fénix Pérez, indicated which are the success habits and the doctor Pablo Smester he talked about how to sleep and sleep hygiene. To finish the doctor Rafael Johnson dictated the talk "Addictions in student life." 

Companies that offer food products and natural supplements such as organic, Kikaboni, Harvests, Prozumo, Sun Salads, Calorie, Greem y Capilo they had presence on campus and they offered their products at prices offer.