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309-015df7db Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC rinde honras fúnebres para despedir a su Director de Cocurriculares


Publication date:

May 12 2011

INTEC pays funeral honors to dismiss its Cocurricular Director

El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) paid a posthumous tribute to Otto Valentín Coro Morrodán, Director of Cocurriculars, who died last Tuesday, May 10, after 33 years of service at the academic institution.

In the act carried out in the university square, the flags were lowered by half to and an intemperate Duel Day was declared in front of all the directors, collaborators, students, graduates and family members present.

Personalities of the Dominican theater, such as Viena González, members of the INTEC Projection Theater, representatives of some sports departments of other universities and authorities of the institution, recalled with their own words and in the name of some physically absent, who in life was dedicated to the service and the training of young people.

Words of Farewell to Don Otto

Dear Otto Miguel, Luis, Edwin, and other Otto family members. Dear INTEC community, dear friends, dear Colmena:

I would have liked to begin by greeting Otto style with a “Family”, but plagiarizing Otto, in the first memory of many INTEC students who heard him on the reception day, does not shine on me. It wouldn't have sounded the same to me as it did to Otto. He was unique, particular, special. The never old Otto, who we never perceive as our grandfather, who we never thought would die, always young. What is still between us. The Otto who said and that remains on the wall that INTEC was a life option.

Today, this family-hive-institution of which I am honored to be its Rector, says goodbye to Otto Valentín Coro Marrodán, Director of Cocurriculars at INTEC for many years. I have always admired him since the summer of 1961 when I met him. Friend, collaborator of INTEC, but above all youth educator.

Otto's life, his commitment and his natural vocation led him from his native slaughter to Havana, to Bayamón, to Santiago de Chile and finally to Santo Domingo, land that he made his own and to which he bequeathed 41 years of work, but also three children who were his pride. 

Always characterized by dedication, work, commitment, enthusiasm, joy and continuous concern for young people. That was Otto. INTEC had the privilege that he decided to exercise his vocation with us for 33 years. His memory is strong, and his work remains. 

In our INTEC 2012 institutional strategy, we insist that we want to be a student-centered university. We can define that priority, saying that we must all be like Otto, and have the youth of INTEC as the center of our concerns. 

His contribution to university sports, and to the Dominican theater is part of what he sowed and what is reaped. But above all, the hearts of young people that it touched are the most fruitful sowing that remains, and those who passed through INTEC had that privilege. Otto was one of the secret advantages of studying at INTEC.

In a farewell to Otto we cannot insist on sadness, but rather on reflection on his work, on his commitment, on his joy, on his continuous concern for young people. I learned from a young age the phrase “Vita mutatur, non tollitur”…. Life does not end, it transforms. And I do not believe I violate the freedom of each one of those present by sharing this phrase, and commenting that we are saying goodbye to an Otto whose life has been transformed. Each one in his interior and according to his beliefs, will give a content to that transformation. We will all agree on something, and that is that his memory and his example will be an important part of that transformation. Otto remains among us.

Otto Miguel, Luis, Edwin, thank you for sharing your father with INTEC. Take that Chorus, what a sublime and joyous song. With great affection and pride, sing your favorite songs, but more than anything the values ​​that he instilled in you. Without a surname, we must sing those same songs for him. We all want to be part of your choir.

Announcement that we are in conversation for the publication of Otto's plays, and that in July we will celebrate the Otto Coro Day to strategically analyze the role of the Cocurricular department in the future of INTEC. We discussed the latter with Otto, and we want to designate that agreed day with his name. 

Goodbye, Otto. Your life is transformed. You will shine like a star in perpetual eternity because you taught many about justice. You will have your place in this hive-family because you were an important part of it for many years. You will always remain in the hearts of many young people because that is what you dedicated yourself to. Goodbye, Otto. INTEC fires you and loves you.

Miguel Escala, Rector