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Victor%20Ozuna%20Ivn%20Pea%20Liliam%20Fondeur%20Guarocuya%20Flix%20y%20Luis%20Abbottjpg Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC recognizes the career of seven graduates


Publication date:

28 November 2012

INTEC recognizes the professional career of seven graduates

Santo Domingo. El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), recognized seven professionals from their different academic areas, for their professional and human career during the 2012 edition of the Outstanding Graduate Award.

The doctors Iván Peña-Sing, Julio César Defilló and Lilliam Fondeur; the engineers Jesús Bairán García and Luis Adolfo Abbott; the economist Guarocuya Félix; and the teacher Víctor Liria Ozuna, are the professionals recognized in this sixth installment of the award.

The selection of the winners is a job that integrates the entire Intecian community year after year. The call for applications was available for four weeks for executives, graduates, employees, students and legally established companies. The Alumni Unit received a total of 42 applications, and the jury was made up of representatives from the university community.

"Our graduates are and should be an instrument of development, bearers of the essential values ​​of the university," Guzman said during the awards ceremony. The sixth installment of the award closes the celebrations of the 40 anniversary in which he recognizes the trajectory and the example that some of his graduates have given in different fields.

With this recognition 41 add the graduates recognized by INTEC since the first awards ceremony in the 2007 year. President Danilo Medina, mountaineer Iván Gómez, swimmer Marcos Díaz and cardiologist Pedro Ureña, have been some of the professionals recognized in previous years.

"Outstanding 2012 Graduate" took place this Tuesday at 27 in November, at the Garden Tent of the Occidental El Embajador Hotel.


Outstanding 2011 graduates
1. Dr. James Willig Morales
2. Dr. Yulino Castillo Núñez
3. Lic. Krist Núñez Añil
4. Ing. Heriberto Minaya Santos
5. Eng. Claritza Pacheco-Abreu
6. Lic. Iván Gómez Carrasco
7. Dr. Jaime Aristy Escuder

Outstanding 2010 graduates
1. Lic. Marcos Díaz
2. Lic. Danilo Medina
3. Lic. Maria Amalia León
4. Dra. Mayda Antún
5. Dr. Ricardo Espaillat
6. Lic. Paloma Rivera
7. Ing. Mario Bergés
8. Ing. Michael O'Rouke

Outstanding 2009 graduates
1. Ing. Francisco Adames
2. Dr. José Brea
3. Lic. Raymundo González
4. Lic. Melanio Paredes
5. Eng. Fausto Pérez Guerrero
6. Eng. Raúl Enrique Pérez Guerrero
7. Ing. José Arturo Pérez
Outstanding 2008 graduates
1. Lic. Omar Salvador Arias
2. Ing. Edwin Martínez
3. Dr. Máximo Brito
4. Eng. Sadala Valoy Khoury Mancebo
5. Ing. Juan Alfredo Cuevas
6. Ing. José Alejandro Segura

Outstanding 2007 graduates
1. Ing. Miguel and Ing. José Luis Bachá Peña
2. Ing. Miguel A. Estepan
3. Dr. Odile Camilo Vincent
4. Dr. Pedro Enrique Ureña
5. Dr. Freddy A. Madera
6. Lic. Ramón Rolando Reyes
7. Lic. Emil H. Ysona