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206-7e5e802c Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC reconoce a profesores y profesoras en su dí­a


Publication date:

27 2010 June

INTEC recognizes teachers in their day

Santo Domingo.- On the date of the celebration of International Teacher's Day, INTEC held a meeting in which it honored the high merit of its professors.

The activity, organized by the Teaching Management Division, constitutes a space for the international community to recognize the hard and tenacious work carried out every day by the architects of the institutional work.  

Ten undergraduate and graduate students obtained the highest evaluations of their students; seven others fulfilled 20 and 30 years of uninterrupted teaching in the institution.

The teachers recognized for the excellent results of their evaluations, made by the students were: Carlos Ramón González (Undergraduate) and Miguel Ángel Suazo Báez (Postgraduateof the Health Sciences Area. Dulce María Toca (Grado) and Víctor Temistocle Feliz (Postgraduate) of the Business Area.

In this same line, professors Ivelisse Díaz Sosa (Undergraduate) and Migdalia Martínez (Postgraduate) were recognized from the Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities; of the Basic and Environmental Sciences Area, Izaskun Uzcaga Meabe (Undergraduate) and José Antonio Aceituno (Postgraduate); and from the Engineering Area, undergraduate professor Alexeis Fernández Bonilla and Ana Andreina Paniagua, postgraduate teacher. The teachers recognized for their work since 1990 at INTEC were: Demetrio Mota (Business Area), Mabel Artidiello (Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities), Leonte Ramírez (Area of ​​Basic and Environmental Sciences) and Martin Abbott (Area of ​​Engineering ).

While María Altagracia López, Clodoaldo Mateo and Ligia Ramírez, of the Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities, were recognized to be part of the INTEC teaching team from 1980.

The meeting was chaired by the authorities of the university and counted with the participation of the musical group De Gala.