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SELECCIN-3f05d92d Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC recibe donación equipo topográfico


Publication date:

March 11 2015

INTEC receives donation topographic equipment

SANTO DOMINGO. The Civil Engineering students of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) may conduct their field practices with a topographic team that integrates the latest technology, which was donated to the university by the local company Geometry, Instruments and Systems (GIS).

The dean of the Engineering Area, Carlos Cordero and Professor Cecilio Santana received the donation from the president of the GIS company, Alexander Holsteinson, who assessed that it is a tool that will support the quality of the training offered by INTEC to future civil Engineers.

Prior to delivery, the company offered a conference to explain the characteristics of the donated equipment, valued at US $ 2 thousand (some RD $ 94,000) and present its full range of products to dozens of students and engineering professors gathered in the Osvaldo auditorium García de la Concha For the exhibition, GIS brought the engineer Chad Lewis, representative of the Trimble house, manufacturer of the equipment to the country.

Professor Santana explained that immediately the team would be integrated into the Topography practices laboratories, which are used by students of the Civil Engineering degree in Topography classes. In that sense, he specified that it will serve to lift altimetry practices, leveling buildings and controlling levels in construction.