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INTEC, the first educational institution to receive the “Equalizing RD Seal” certification
The Gold Level certification recognizes the university's ongoing commitment to implementing actions aimed at eliminating gender gaps and increasing equal participation and employment opportunities between men and women.
SANTO DOMINGO. The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) received the Igualando RD Seal at the Gold Level, awarded by the Ministry of Women and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), a certification that guarantees that the university's policies, services and organizational culture incorporate the values of inclusion and equity.
With this certification, INTEC becomes the first educational institution in the Dominican Republic to receive the Seal, after a day of evaluation of its institutional management based on the indicators of Management and Organization, Reconciliation with co-responsibility between family, personal and work life, Recruitment and selection of personnel and Professional Development.
Likewise, the university underwent an evaluation of other aspects such as remuneration and compensation, work environment, health and quality of life, moral and sexual harassment at work, internal and external communication and organizational profile and productivity. It is aimed at fulfilling two of its strategic guidelines of being a warm and welcoming space, and offering comprehensive well-being to its entire community.
The university received the certificate during a ceremony led by the Minister of Women, Mayra Jiménez, who highlighted the fundamental role of the private sector in guaranteeing fairer and more equal economies. Regarding the Igualando RD Seal, she said that “this joint and permanent effort has allowed, through the different organizational management actions with a focus on equality, to have directly impacted 58,043 people from 32 companies over the years.”
Ana María Díaz, UNDP Resident Representative, welcomed the achievements of the participating companies and stressed the importance of continuing to promote initiatives to close the gender gap in the country. “The gender pay gap remains at an alarming 21%, and the glass ceiling continues to limit women’s professional development, despite their equal or higher level of academic preparation. Women are required to have more training, are paid less, and have fewer access to managerial positions. Therefore, the commitment of more than 30 companies to labor equality is a significant step towards reducing this gap and promoting an inclusive work environment that allows women to reach their full potential,” she explained.
In her words of thanks on behalf of the university, the Vice-Rector for Administration and Finance of INTEC, Alliet Ortega, highlighted that this recognition reaffirms INTEC's historical commitment to gender equality and equity; "It is a reflection of the institutional commitment that we have assumed since our founding 52 years ago, reaffirming our commitment to the social development of the country, being a reference in the promotion of equality, with the creation of the Center for Gender Studies, a space founded 38 years ago dedicated to research, education and action in favor of equity. Since our beginnings we have implemented inclusive policies that are reflected in our organizational structures, in our academic programs and in the day-to-day life of our university community. Increasingly promoting that education is the path to development."
She highlighted that this achievement encourages INTEC to continue training leaders committed to a society without gender barriers. For INTEC, this recognition not only celebrates the progress achieved, but also reaffirms the commitment to INTEC's educational model, to the training of young people with social awareness and commitment to human development, and where gender equality is integrated as a cross-cutting issue.
To award the Igualando RD Seal, the INTEC was assessed, among other aspects, for having a Gender Equality Policy for an Inclusive and Fair Culture and a fully established Equality Committee. In addition, the institution offers a series of special permits and licenses to support the reconciliation of work and family life, such as the birth bonus, the 15-day paternity leave and the 14-week maternity leave.
In addition, INTEC's Personnel Selection Policy includes an express prohibition against exclusionary norms, such as sex, age, marital status, family situation and particular physical characteristics. These affirmative measures have allowed for a balanced workforce and the incorporation of women into management positions.
Seven other companies and institutions were recognized at the ceremony, demonstrating their commitment to a culture of equity and equality.
The Igualando RD Seal, implemented by the Ministry of Women with the support of UNDP, proposes a management model for gender equality that seeks to universalize good organizational practices, eliminate cultural and organizational barriers, guarantee gender mainstreaming, and achieve violence-free work spaces, among other objectives.