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Vctor%20Gmez%20Vicerrector%20de%20Investigacin%20y%20Vinculacin-eb6c3b37 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC presents its Regulation of research groups


Publication date:

May 16 2016

INTEC presents its Regulation of research groups

SANTO DOMINGO.- The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) presented the Regulation of Research Groups during a ceremony headed by university and university authorities Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT).

During the meeting, 13 presented research groups, made up of professors from their different academic areas.

With the creation of these groups, which are attached to the Vice-Rectory for Research and Linking, INTEC seeks to align its scientific work and articulate it to the services of consultancies, technical evaluations and capacity building through courses and diploma courses.

These new instances of knowledge production are the natural evolution of similar experiences such as the communities of practice and the teacher groups, which bring together teachers with similar study interests in periodic spaces of reflection and study.

"With the realization of this initiative, the university is taking a qualitative leap of historical dimension that I hope will serve as a reference to our higher education system", emphasized the Rector of INTEC, Rolando M. Guzmán, who said that the research work it has been one of the different axes of the university.

While the director of Research of the Mescyt, Carlos Rodríguez, valued the presentation of the regulation of research groups as of great importance for the development of the country, and recalled the research tradition of the university that he said is the first in the country to allocate resources proper to that task. 

Rolando_M._Guzm%C3%A1n_Rector_del_INTEC Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC presents its Regulation of research groups

The vice-rector of Research and Linking of the INTEC, Víctor Gómez, presented the content of the new regulation and also to the members of the 13 new research groups that are: Training and professional teacher development; Industrial Design Center; Innovation, intellectual property and science and technology policies, SMEs, Public Policies, Productive clusters and social capital; Energy technology and sustainability.

Also the groups Teaching science and technology, quality and educational processes; Educational management and teaching-learning processes; Student retention and persistence in higher education; Tertiary education; Educational management and school improvement; School improvement and center management processes, and Psychology and Psychology, quality and educational processes.

El Regulation considers that some of the main objectives of the Research Groups are to channel the specific research initiatives developed in and from the INTEC, both with internal actors and with external actors, to increase the production of professional scientific knowledge of high quality and relevance as well as the dissemination of these, and support the processes of knowledge transfer and capacity building for the productive and inclusive development of the Dominican Republic.

The event was also chaired by the president of the Board of Regents of INTEC, Claudia de Los Santos; the Director of the Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Division, Andrea Paz, as well as teachers and coordinators of the groups. Rectors of local higher education institutions, representatives of international organizations also attended.

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